My wife and I visit her twin sister for the holidays [MF] [Part 3] [Long]

Thanks for waiting on part 3! I hope I don’t disappoint haha.

Part 1: [](

Part 2: [](

Go to ________________________________ for sexy parts

I had an extremely hard time falling asleep the night before we acted on Amanda’s offer. While I laid in bed staring at the dark ceiling, I could tell that Amanda seemed to have some butterflies too because she was unusually quiet and still.

I whispered quietly, “Are you up?”

“Yeah…can’t sleep.”

It was stupid to ask, ‘why not?’ because we both knew…in less than 12 hours I would alone with her twin sister in a hotel doing god knows what and Amanda was the one who set it up.

“You ok?” I asked earnestly.

“Yeah…no…yeah…I don’t know. I was just so confident about this when I offered, and I still want to go through with it but it’s just the uncertainty of it all. So many things could happen.” Amanda said sheepishly.

“I can see what you mean. But I’ll tell you one thing; I love you and I want to be with you always. This experience will not change my feelings, but I will not get upset if you want to call it off.”

My wife and I visit her twin sister for the holidays [MF] [Part 2] [Long]

Here is part 2!

Part one: [](

Go to _____ for sexy parts.

“Beth?! What the fuck!!” I exclaimed, my surprise outweighing the anger and confusion that was quickly building.

“Shhhhhh…You’ll wake up the kids.” She shushed me about as loud as my exclamation but went on saying, “I know, I know, I know I fucked up, but I had to know.”

Beth’s words were rushed and a bit slurred. She was obviously drunk or at least tipsy and coherent enough to have a conversation. I on the other hand had slept off most of my buzz and a multitude of feelings and questions were building inside me. Did that just happen? Where is Amanda? Am I dreaming? How could she?! Why?

“Why….” I started before Beth cut me off.

**Note: I’ve never been good at writing slurred or impaired speech so please imagine the drunken rambling that Beth said to me. Sorry if that takes away from the story but it’s the best I can do.

My wife and I visit her twin sister for the holidays [MF] [Part 1]

This story happened two years ago, before all this COVID shit hit the fan, and I am writing because I just needed to tell someone. So now I’m here in the middle of a workday typing this up because I could not hold it in any longer. Compared to my love life I think it is somewhat of a roller coaster and I hope you all enjoy. This is also a repost of a story I removed a while ago.

Back Story. Go to ——– for the sexy parts:

Ok…time for the real-world moment…physically, I am not what you call…“In shape”. But I am also not a massive person. I am about 6ft and around 230 pounds with dark brown hair, a beard and a smattering of freckles. At around 5.5in, I am not sporting a porn-star cock like everyone else apparently has on this site. I have never been extremely confident in my physical appearance. I have always been a little overweight and as a result I have never had much luck in the dating world. Not trying to have a pity party here; just trying to give the facts.

[Part 3] At the hotel with my fiancée’s twin [MF] [Long]

Hey all,

Thanks for the support and sorry about how long this took. Work has been crazy but I was able to get this one written during some down time. Enjoy!

Part 1: [](

Part 2: [](

I had an extremely hard time falling asleep the night before we acted on Amanda’s offer. While I laid in bed staring at the dark ceiling, I could tell that Amanda seemed to have some butterflies too because she was unusually quiet and still.

I whispered quietly, “Are you up?”

“Yeah…can’t sleep.”

It was stupid to ask, ‘why not?’ because we both knew…in less than 12 hours I would alone with her twin sister in a hotel doing god knows what and Amanda was the one who set it up.

“You ok?” I asked earnestly.

“Yeah…no…yeah…I don’t know. I was just so confident about this when I offered, and I still want to go through with it but it’s just the uncertainty of it all. So many things could happen.” Amanda said sheepishly.

[Part 2] My Fiancee’s Terms [MF] [F] [Long]

Thanks for all of the support everyone. I hope you like the next part.

Part 1: [](

“Beth?! What the fuck!!” I exclaimed, my surprise outweighing the anger and confusion that was quickly building.

“Shhhhhh…You’ll wake up the kids.” She shushed me about as loud as my exclamation but went on saying, “I know, I know, I know I fucked up, but I had to know.”

Beth’s words were rushed and a bit slurred. She was obviously drunk or at least tipsy and coherent enough to have a conversation. I on the other hand had slept off most of my buzz and a multitude of feelings and questions were building inside me. Did that just happen? Where is Amanda? Am I dreaming? How could she?! Why?

“Why….” I started before Beth cut me off.

**Note: I’ve never been good at writing slurred or impaired speech so please imagine the drunken rambling that Beth said to me. Sorry if that takes away from the story but it’s the best I can do.

My [M] fiance and I visit her twin sister [F] [Long]

This story happened last winter before all this COVID shit hit the fan and I am writing because I just needed to tell someone. So now I’m here in the middle of a workday typing this up because I could not hold it in any longer. Compared to my love life I think it is somewhat of a roller coaster and I hope you all enjoy.

Back Story:

Ok…time for the real-world moment…physically, I am not what you call…“In shape”. But I am also not a massive person. I am about 6ft and around 230 pounds with dark brown hair, a beard and a smattering of freckles. At around 5.5in, I am not sporting a porn-star cock like everyone else apparently has on this site. I have never been extremely confident in my physical appearance. I have always been a little overweight and as a result I have never had much luck in the dating world. Not trying to have a pity party here; just trying to give the facts.