The Rookie Cure (F21) helps a hockey team perform a special ritual involving group sex and a ton of cum

I was laying there, completely naked on the beach day dreaming about how much fun Brad and I had been having on our sexy get away together so far.

When Brad broke the silence. I dare you to give me a hand job and tell me about the sluttiest thing you have ever done.

I hesitated to say yes right away and was thinking to myself that this might be the first dare I turn down of the weekend.

I had told Brad how terrible it was to be the victim of slut shaming, gossip and rumours, back in college before we got together so he knew that I was a bit wild and slutty back then but I hadn’t given him many details. Partly because I was ashamed and part… But then a new thought crossed my mind. I used to be ashamed.

This weekend was starting to be like a sexual reawakening for me and I remembered how much fun I had being wild and free back in the day. When I had no shame about being too slutty. Before I lost my trust in guys to keep their mouth shut about the fun we had together.

Exhibitionist road trip Pt.5

We drove for about an hour chatting we talked about a few different things but mostly about what had happened last night I started to ask Brad if he thought what I had done was too much too slutty but he cut me off before I could even finish and assured me that he thought I was wonderful last night and he enjoyed it so much.

He told me how he had to fight off the urge to cum all over the floor as he watched almost the entire time often not able to touch himself at all even though he really wanted to for fear that it would put him over the edge.

We were more than halfway to the resort and it was early afternoon we pulled into a roadside ice cream shop and ordered burgers and chocolate milkshakes we ate and Brad left me at the table to go to the washroom when he came back he had that wicked smile again and I knew he was going to dare me to do something fun.

Exhibitionism road trip Pt.4

As I shimmied forward touching my knees against the glass once again and I spread them as wide as I can now my pussy is only a couple inches from the glass. I was now back in the kinky position that Brad had started me off with. Brad was standing next to the foot of the bed, he was completely naked and rock hard.

I looked up at him, into his eyes and said, loud enough for both of them to here, let him cum on me, I want him to cum all over me. While I was putting on my show I noticed that the window is divided into three sections and the centre section can slide open. it was at the perfect hight.

I asked Brad to open the window. Immediately he grabbed for it and pulled it open all the way. I Felt the cold night air and a gentle breeze on my slimy pussy, I looked up at Frank as he dropped the hat and steps in closer stroking his huge dick he had that hungry caged animal look in his eyes

Exhibitionism road trip Pt.3

Brad was back from the store he had a mischievous smile and I knew he was up to something. I said what are you smiling about , what is it. Oh nothing, you’ll see. he put the beer in the mini fridge, came over and gave me a kiss and said are you ready or dare number six.

He suddenly looked nervous and embarrassed he was actually shaking a little I knew whatever it was he was about to say the thought of it was driving him wild and he was scared to come out and say it. I kissed him again open mouth with lots of tongue, as we pulled apart, I looked him in the eyes and said yes! I’ll do it, I don’t care, whatever you have in mind, I’ll do it!

Brad’s jaw dropped and he said frantically, oh my god really, it’s a little wild, I mean we haven’t done anything like this before, but I really do think you’ll enjoy it. You see the craziest thing happened when I was at the store. I was in line about to pay for the beer and you’re bottle of champagne when I voice behind me suddenly said I’m buying this fine fellow his drinks.

Exhibitionism road trip Pt.2

As we drove off I told him the whole story of what happened in detail and he laughed so hard he almost had to pull over. But I also noticed the bulge growing and then throbbing against the crotch of his khaki pants.

We talked about what happened at the gas station for quite a long time. I was still really turned on by my adventure, he laughed as I told him how am I never gonna go back to that gas station again. But it’s the closest one to our house he said. I don’t care I said.

Just then we passed a sign that said scenic look off ahead and we took the next exit. It was a beautiful picnic area on top of a high hill with a wonderful view of the area. We were about two hours from our house and an hour from our destination which Brad said was a cute little motel with an awesome barbeque restaurant.

He saw the restaurant on a tv food show, It was quite famous for its World class barbecue. Brad popped the trunk and I was happy to see that he had a picnic all prepared sandwiches, cupcakes and champagne for me but not the driver lol.

Exhibitionism road trip (F33 M35) after a stressful few years a woman goes through a sexual reawakening to her long-term partners delight and letting go feels better than she ever imagined it would. Pt.1

I was sitting at my kitchen table thinking about how my boyfriend Brad was so wonderful to me these past nine years we’ve been together.

We started dating in third year of university. Right from the start our relationship has been awesome. When we met, Brad was tall blonde biologist student and kind of a nature hippie. He had his hair in dreadlocks, but now he kept it cut short.

He was handsome and had a nice body he was about 6 feet tall, and had a swimmers body. Not cut but nice and toned. His lovely 7 inch thick cock never failed to satisfy me. He was an imaginative, fun and enthusiastic lover and he always put my pleasure before his which I loved.

The first year and a half we were together we fucked like rabbits every chance we got. I have, or had a high sex drive which kind of got me in trouble in high school and the first couple years of college, before I met Brad.

How I found out I have a big cock (M F 20s). The second girl he ever fucked opens his eyes to a world of possibilities. PT.2

I was so close myself, I knew this wouldn’t take long, I decided to give her everything I had. I rammed my cock into her sinking it balls deep into her on the first trust, she was tight but so slimy and hot. Her pussy eagerly excepted every inch of my cock and I felt my fat knob bump into the back of her pussy, thumping her cervix hard, just as our pelvises came together.

I never felt anything like it in my life, Diana was so ridiculously tight it was painful and awkward. but Kim’s pussy was the warmest softest thing my cock had ever touched, it felt like it was made of thick velvet soaked in hot oil.

Kim screamed at the top of her lungs and I was sure her orgasm was hitting her. I grabbed her other hip with my right hand and started taking her doggy style as hard as I could, trying to use my full length I slammed my cock in and out of her three or four times. She was screaming constantly especially with my forward trusts. I was trying desperately not to cum. but now I realized it was no use, I wouldn’t be able to stop it from happening any second now.

How I found out I have a big cock (M F 20s). The second girl he ever fucked opens his eyes to a world of possibilities.

I went off to college a virgin for some reason girls seemed only interested in friendship with me. I have a cute youthful looking face but as a young man it was a disadvantaged because I looked like I was 12 when I was 19, slim and athletic I had a nice body 5‘9“ and 155 pounds.

as for my package I love the way it looks so much if I could I wouldn’t change a thing. For starters i’m a thick 9 inches when I’m hard but I’m a grower not a shower which used to bother me a lot when I was a young man worried about locker room showers and stuff like that. But that was before I knew I had a really big cock.

As a teenager we didn’t have the Internet and the only porn and I had was my dad’s stack of old playboys that hardly ever showed a cock there was one picture that did a hairy 70s Burt Reynolds looking motherfucker laying naked on the bed with a hot busty blonde his cock was completely soft but huge and looking at that I thought I might be seriously lacking.

PAWG college girl submitting completely to her new lover’s amazing cock. And becomes his exhibitionist play thing. PT.4

I didn’t say anything and we just kept walking a second or two past then Katie shot me a scared look over her shoulder, she had noticed the guy too. She put her fingertips to the waistband of her pants but didn’t pull them up.

There’s almost no room to pass someone, can I please pull up my pants she said.

No way this is perfect I replied this made her crack a big smile and I knew she was turned on and excited as much as she was scared and embarrassed.

She stopped looking back at me and kept walking towards the guy, she moved her hands away from her waist band, he was only about 30 yards ahead now and I could see it was a man in his early 40s he had a big telephoto camera on his chest and was probably a bird watcher. His eyes were wide, he looked shocked, mouth half open.

Now they were just about to meet Katie moved to pass on the right but he was trying to go left so they almost bumped into each other.

PAWG college girl submitting completely to her new lover’s amazing cock. And becomes his exhibitionist play thing. PT.3

I said good night and made my way up to my bedroom Katie was still laying there in the middle of the bed snoring loudly
but she was not in the position I left her in, she was still facedown and her upper body was the same, her face turned to the side resting in her hands as she slept

But her lower body had been moved now she’s had both knees stuck out to the sides and pulled up far, kind of like a frog when it swims. This position made her big ass look great and she was spread so wide her pussy was really sticking out.

She still had cum leaking out of her pussy
and there was a big puddle underneath it.
I looked at The puddle and got an evil grin on my face wondering if it was too big to have been all from me.

From her lower back to the tops of her big thighs she was splattered all over with big thick globs of white cum running down in streaks from her big round ass, as it trickled down towards the bed.