Divine Sin – GW pics | slow built up, big pay off | supernatural

This is my first time writing a fanfiction. So please be gentle. The ideas may not be new but I have taken inspiration from several fantasy worlds, combined them and added an erotic twist.

Feedback are always welcomed.

Here we go!


Jeremy woke up in a stranger’s room, in a stranger’s bed, with a stranger beside him – naked. The curtains were drawn but what light that came through was blinding enough. He rubbed his eyes and tried to remember what happened the night before. And also how he lost his virginity.

Chapter 1

Twenty four hours ago, Jeremy woke up in his own bed. An ordinary 20 year old university student, with ordinary grades and ordinary friends. He was from a small town two hours away from the capital. He, his best friend (Tommy) and his childhood friend (Sally) came to the capital for their studies.

Jeremy shared the student accommodation with Tommy and Tyler. Tommy’s build was very similar to Jeremy’s – nothing extraordinary. Tyler, on the other hand, was a bodybuilder and kind of an ass to both of them. The only plus side of having him as a housemate is his hot girlfriend, Veronica, who stays over very often.