Update – [FM] I fucked my friend for his store discount

Original story: https://reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/8y1bd4/fm_i_fucked_my_friend_for_his_store_discount/

Please read the original post otherwise this post won’t make much sense. It isn’t very long. But if you need the TLDR version: When I graduated college, my old FWB and I had an arrangement where he’d get me discounted merchandise from the Nordstroms he worked at in exchange for sex. It started off as a playful, bored friends having sex type of thing but turned into an explicit financial exchange. He had his wedding this weekend and I asked at the end of my post if I should wear some of the stuff he got me.

So the wedding was Saturday. I did wear the shoes and necklace to it. Naturally I didn’t see much of him given how busy grooms are on their wedding days. But late at the reception we did run into each other as I was coming back from the bathroom and he was heading there.

I told him he looked good, congrats, etc. Then I asked him if he liked my shoes and necklace. I don’t think he got it at first. He gave me a generic you look great. But as we were about to go our separate ways, the light bulb went off.

[FM] I fucked my friend for his store discount

This happened 4 year ago. I was 22. I was just out of college. I was hanging out with a few friends. I was complaining about how expensive it was to build a professional wardrobe. I had just started an office job so I needed a bunch of work professional clothes. One of my friends worked at Nordstroms and said he might be able to help out by using his employee discount on some items. He said I could buy him a beer sometime and we could discuss it.

Later that night we were all out drinking at a bar. It was getting towards the end of the night and we were all a bit drunk. I sort of pulled him aside, gave him a beer, and asked about the discount. He told me he could get stuff 20% off. I said that would be awesome. He said he’d be happy to if I made it worth his while and he did the blowjob hand gesture in that joking [not joking] kind of way. I laughed it off.

He and I had hooked up a few times before. We had been friends at college. A few drunken time when neither of us hooked up with someone else, we went home with each other. Decent but not super memorable sex.