[MF] Seducing an old acquaintance at the cottage (Part One) (Long read)

After our last day of grad school, my friends decided to celebrate by going up to my friend Alex’s family cottage. Alex also invited his childhood friend Don, who I’d met briefly at a party once a few years ago. He got to the party just as I was leaving and Alex later mentioned that Don had asked about me after I left. I was pretty excited since I remember he was a good looking guy.

On the day of the trip, Alex picked up his girlfriend and our friends Kev and Luke before picking me up. Kev and Luke joked the whole ride to Don’s about who’ll get to share a room with me. When we got to Don’s, he was already waiting on the bench outside his apartment building. Alex got out to greet him and he beamed at Alex and they did one of those high five hugs.

Don was a lot handsomer than I remembered. His wavy hair that had previously lay limply on his head was now styled and pushed out of his face. His body was built and broad. He slung his duffel bag over his shoulder which showed off his well-defined biceps.

How I seduced the neighbor while babysitting [MF] (Part 4)

[Part 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/5cqxtm/how_i_seduced_the_neighbor_while_babysitting_mf/)
[Part 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/5czjjt/how_i_seduced_the_neighbor_while_babysitting_mf/)
[Part 3](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/5d75ty/how_i_seduced_the_neighbor_while_babysitting_mf/)

If you haven’t read the previous [part](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/5d75ty/how_i_seduced_the_neighbor_while_babysitting_mf/), this entry probably won’t make sense.

*Thanks for your patience! I’ve been really busy with school, I haven’t had time to update the story. On the plus side, I was able to write in my hot prof’s class ;)*

I got a few messages requesting more detailed descriptions of myself and Jace. If you don’t care you can just scroll down past the line divider.

I’m 5’3. I have long dark red hair and hazel eyes. I’m a 32C.

Jace is approximately 6’3? He has black hair, it’s longer on the top but usually pushed back away from his face. He has very blue eyes. He’s got broad shoulders and he’s quite well-toned.


The next morning, I woke up to a phone call from Michelle.

I mumbled some greeting and Michelle yelled in my ear, “I’m coming home tomorrow!” She explained that with one week left of the book tour, the team realized that most of her duties could be done from home, so they let her head home early.

How I seduced the neighbor while babysitting [MF] AND my [FF] [exhibition] hookup! (Part 3)

[Part 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/5cqxtm/how_i_seduced_the_neighbor_while_babysitting_mf/)
[Part 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/5czjjt/how_i_seduced_the_neighbor_while_babysitting_mf/)

***Finally delivering on the FF hookup part of the story in this excerpt!***

*I must be a masochist because I’m writing this in class again. But honestly, if I wrote this at home I would probably be too busy playing with myself to actually type. Also, it’s kind of hot feeling so turned on in public.*
*Not sure if you read the [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/5czjjt/how_i_seduced_the_neighbor_while_babysitting_mf/da10900/) from my last post, but basically my prof totally noticed my tits in lecture. I have another class with him today. I’m wearing a really tight halter top, we’ll see if I can get his attention again…*


I figured with my cousins gone, I might actually be able to properly hookup with Jace with no interruptions. I was wrong. After they left, all my time and energy was absorbed in taking care of Lisa and Seth. Six year olds have so much energy; times that by two and you’ve got an exhausted 20 year old babysitter.

How I seduced the neighbor while babysitting [MF] plus my [FF] [exhibition] hookup! (Part 2)

If you haven’t read [Part 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/5cqxtm/how_i_seduced_the_neighbor_while_babysitting_mf/)

*I’m literally typing this in the middle of lecture. The lecture is sort of a waste (everything is in the textbook), but the professor gives his students marks for showing up. Plus, I don’t know when I’ll have time to update this if not now.*


After our little exhibition masturbation sex call, I went to bed. I slept naked that night and kept my window open, in case Jace wanted to take a peak.

I slept having so many wet dreams that night. The one I remember in particular was me showing up at his door wearing nothing but a trench coat, opening it up to reveal my naked body to him as soon as I entered.

In the dream, he pushed me against the door and started kissing my neck. He was magically naked as well, his hands were all over my breast. His hard cock against my clit. I can’t remember the exact details but I think the dream ended with him fucking me from behind, my body pressed against the door.

How I seduced the neighbor while babysitting [MF] plus my [FF] [exhibition] hookup! (Part 1)

It finally happened. After weeks of flirting, teasing, and anticipation, we hooked up. This whole experience was so hot, I want to write it down so I can read back and touch myself while I relive these memories.


Let’s start from the beginning.

I moved in with my cousins, Michelle and Roger (33F, 34M) in the middle of the summer. They had an extra room and offered it to me rent-free in exchange for babysitting their twins (6M,F). They work at a publishing company and were going on some country wide book tour for a few weeks. It was perfect as I was doing a summer course and their house is a 15 minute drive from my college.

They’re really close friends with their neighbor Jace and when I moved in, they told me that if I ever need to go out, I should make sure Jace is free to babysit.

The night before the book tour, they invited him over for dinner. I was coming home from picking up supplies when I saw him laughing with them in the kitchen. He was tall, had wavy black hair, and piercing blue eyes. He was around my cousins’ age so he was quite a bit older than me (turning 21 in a few weeks!).