[MF] [Long] [Deepthroat] [Mind Control] [69] [Threesome] [Two Cocks, One Man] Metamorphodick: Chapter 2

Metamorphodick: The Sexually Explicit Adventures of a Man and His Shape-Changing Penis

Chapter Two: Escape from Base 69!

I wake up. Again. I’m in a dimly lit room. It looks like small laboratory: a few worktables with sciencey-looking stuff, with shelves and cupboards lining the walls. I try to move and discover that I’m strapped to something. Looking around me, I can see that it’s something like a dentist’s chair. As I move my head, I feel something moving with it. Rolling my eyes up, I can just about make out the edge of some device around my scalp. Back to being an experimental subject, it seems.

One wall of the room, the one I’m facing, is dominated by a room-length window. Through it, I can see a group of people studying me intently. Meela is among them. That solves the mystery of where I am: this must be the rebel base.

The people are talking. I can hear them through the window.

“But it’s just sexual augments,” one of them is saying. “That’s no use to us.”

“Any glimpse into the Corp’s genetic technology is invaluable to us,” says a slightly dishevelled man. “Even it is something as frivolous as this.”

[MF] [Abduction] [Experimentation] [Genital Metamorphosis] Metamorphodick: The Sexually Explicit Adventures of a Man and His Shape-Changing Penis

Chapter One: The Beginning

The last thing I remember is a blindingly bright white light flooding my bedroom. Then darkness.

Now there is a burning in my lungs, as if I’ve held my breath for too long. I open my eyes; it’s like opening them underwater, in a swimming pool, a slightly acidic feel on my eyeballs. My body starts to thrash, desperate for air. Through a greenish haze I see vague shapes moving to and fro. Then a sharp but not unpleasant cold suffuses through my lungs, and I feel like I’m breathing again. Only later do I realise that my chest still wasn’t moving. A brief pinprick at the back of my neck, and then darkness again.

Sometime later – a few minutes, or a few years, it’s impossible to tell in the darkness – a part of me resurfaces. All is still black, and whatever sliver of consciousness this is has a strange quality to it. It’s like I’m a guest in my own home. No, it’s more like I’ve got the builders or the decorators in and I feel out of place as they work. There is a sense that someone or something is refurbishing my body and at least some part of my mind. I float in this odd feeling for a time, before the darkness takes me down again.