Fighters Need Love Too [MF] [Magic] [Exhibitionism] [Romantic] [Tall Girl] [Fantasy] [Short]

The city was in a state of festivity and the sounds of revelry were exploding from the streets. Men and women danced, played music, and performed talents for the enjoyment of those around them. Incandescent wisps of magical light danced in the air, like ever present fireworks, casting the city into a myriad of colors. Magic had also been used to craft the brickwork towers which housed the throngs of guests who’d come to this beautiful city. In one of the many rooms in the tower, in front of a window with curtains thrown open, were a pair of individuals. One on their knees, pressed against the sturdy glass, the other behind them standing.

“What if someone sees?!” A woman’s voice protested, her voice heavy with lust and passion. 
“Then they get to be jealous of us, besides they can’t see your face, we’re too high up.” A man’s voice replied with a mischievous and playful tone.
“But, Vhon.” She whined, then moaned as she felt his cock slip into her.

Blood Queen [MMF] [Violence] [Gore] [Blood] [Rape] [Bondage] [Domination] [Magic] [Vampire] [Death]

CONTENT WARNING: Scenes of graphic violence, scenes of rape, scenes of death.
(( Hey there, guy with the ironic name here, if you’ve read my stories before, well thank you firstly. Second, this isn’t gonna be the new normal or anything, I’m a romantic and can’t help that. Though I’m also not content to just have one flavor of ice cream if ya catch my drift. So here’s this. My vampire fetish. Note: I do not condone the actions of any single character in this work of fiction. Consent is King. ))

Men were dying, being torn to shreds by nothing but hands, having their throats and faces torn at by teeth. The grand hallway was covered in blood, it ran down the stone floors, it had splashed over paintings, coated the walls, some even dripped from the ceiling above. In the center of it all was a woman, some tatters of a dress still clung to her body, the pieces wet and sticky with mortal vitae. Her body was lean and thin, with long, well defined legs and slender arms and hands. Her short hair was covered in blood, sticking it to her head and hiding the color. She was an otherworldly beauty, with a visage that should belong among the Goddesses. Her eyes featured irises of the bright red color which coated her skin, and they were aglow with delight.

Opportunities [MF] [Fantasy] [Oral] [Obedience] [Size Difference] [Shortstack] [Vanilla]

Outside a grand, angular, tower that looked akin to a bolt of lightning touching the ground from the clouds stood a robed and hoodedfigure of short stature. Others passed by them, some taller, some shorter, all wearing the same robes. Someone bumped their shoulder as they walked by, excusing themselves quickly and hurrying along without looking back. Letting out a soft sigh they straightened themself up and made their way inside the grandiose tower. The inside was larger than the outside would suggest, the tower seemed to stretch back to such an extent they felt they’d need a horse to reach the end. Hundreds of individuals in robes similar to theirs swarmed about each other like insects in a hive, performing whatever task they’d be set upon with fervent diligence. As they stood, gawking at individuals who worked at the various stations, a voice called their attention.

SciFi Romance Story, Cyborg [F] , Repairer [M] , [Vanilla] , [Romance] , [Amputee] , [Fiction]

Rain poured down onto the garishly lit blemish in the land called a city, turning to steam as it struck overtaxed neon signs. The sheer abundance of them set the upper layer of the city behind a sheet of coalescing clouds. A woman looked up at those clouds as she walked down the street, limping oddly but seemingly unbothered by it. Distracted as she was she nearly walked past her destination, coming to a sudden stop and backing up a few paces she opened the door and stepped inside.

A chime singled her arrival as she cast her eyes across the familiar scene, in the center of the room was a reclining chair, above which hung a vast array of tools. Many she knew, a few she could guess at, and a couple were completely foreign to her.
“Got some new toys, Daniel?” She called into the room as she took off the long rain jacket she wore and hung it up on a hook near the door.
“I did in fact. Got some internal work next week and needed a couple things. Get set up and I’ll be right out to ya.” A deep baritone voice called back from a room behind the counter, the door was slightly ajar and the sound of rapid typing could be heard.
She smirked and chuckled to herself, locking the front door and marking the shop as busy with the press of a couple buttons. From there she made her way to the counter and signed her name on the clipboard, it was so old school, which made it reliable.