The reunion with [M]y childhood [F]riend [MF]

For those of you who want some backstory on my history with Amanda, they are on my page as the first stories I told. As usual this story will be long, with some good build up to it as I like details.

Picking up where Amanda and I left off, Amanda had told me that she didn’t want to hook up anymore and that we needed to stay just friends.

We spent some time apart and just meeting up as friends, although I still made passes at her on occasion. About a year later, we were drinking together at her place, and that’s when I broke out one of my old tricks.

I snuck up behind her and put my lips against her ear and whispered “god how I miss filling you up and pounding you hard and deep” before trailing soft kisses and little bites down her neck, something I knew turned her on like nothing else.

She moaned and turned around, grabbing my face and kissing me hard. I started to pull her close sliding my hand down to her ass, when she pulled away and said “no no, that was mean you know what that does to me.”

She’s out of my league [MF] (Long)

There will be a lot of background to this story but it wouldn’t be a wholesome story if there wasn’t a lot of background to it am i right? Skip ahead to the —— if you just want the sexy times.

For the sake of anonymity, I will call her A, and myself T. A and I had gone to school together since 4th grade. Through middle school she was the tomboyish type, athletic and always wanted to play sports with the boys rather than chit chat with the girls. To be fair, there were a few of those at my middle school, but nonetheless she was always easy to talk to and hang out with.

Flash forward to high school, A hit puberty and man oh man was it a glow up of all glow ups. She developed curves in all the right places, grew a few inches and was just the kind of hot that could make a burlap sack look good in my opinion. Despite all this, she never lost her personality, still playing sports through high school and being someone who was fun and easy to be around.

The one that just wasn’t meant to be Part 2 [MF]

So after I first hooked up with Tara, you can read part 1 [here]( i didn’t talk to her for some time. I ended up moving into her dorm the next quarter, and we started seeing each other more often.

Around the dorm, in the dining commons, biking on campus, soon I started noticing her everywhere. I mean she definitely stood out at 6’2 but it was hard not to imagine what those long legs would be like wrapped around me, and remember how her lips felt on my cock. After many awkward exchanges and avoiding each other, we eventually made it through the year and moved on to our apartments.

After bumping into her again early at the start of our sophomore year, later that night Tara sent me a long text about how she still was attracted to me and that while I was a dick to her and hurt her with what I did earlier, she didn’t hate me or hold any grudges.

I told her that I wasn’t sure a relationship was right for me but a fwb was right up my alley, to which she readily agreed and away we went.

The one that just wasn’t meant to be [MF]

My freshman year was a wild one. After my summer fling with Becca, you can read more about that on my profile, I went off to college as a D1 athlete. This obviously came with a LOT of partying and hookups. Most were one night stands, and I may tell the stories behind some of them eventually, but there was one girl, Tara, who I ended up hooking multiple times across the next couple years.

We matched on Tinder, and she was a skinny thing, but legs for days and a cute face. I soon found out why. She was 6’2. I had never been with anyone near as tall as me before so I was excited to see whether or not I would enjoy it.

We met up on a Friday night after I had done some drinking and I met her at her dorm room. Her roommate was gone so we had full reign of the room. When she met me at the door, it was my first time not having to bend down to kiss someone. Weird, but hey it was definitely going to save any neck pain from having to bend down to kiss or grab her ass as we made out. Which is what I did.

My summer fling with the rich Asian virgin Part 3 [MF]

This is the third story about Becca and me. You can read part 1 [here]( and part 2 [here](

After our time alone in her home, Becca and I found it harder to meet up comfortably. This unfortunate led to pretty much the rest of the summer being car sex for the two of us. Yes I know it sucks but what are you going to do when you are both in high school and can’t explain why you are going to spend the night/weekend at a hotel. Trust me we thought about a lot of ways to get around it but her parents were strict and my parents were very much helicopter parents in that they always liked to know what I was doing. A simple lie of “oh I’m going to hang with friends” could explain a couple hours but not a weekend in a hotel.

This didn’t stop us from having fun however. She became more submissive after I tied her up, and loved being ordered around. I often told her to not wear panties when I was around. As soon as we got to the end of the driveway, I usually had her take off whatever she was wearing on the bottom so I could finger her as I drove. While I’m sure it wasn’t the best job, I did get really good at making her cum on my fingers before we even found a spot to stop and get in the back.

My summer fling with a rich Asian virgin [MF] Part 2

So for those who haven’t read part 1 you can do so [here](

Sorry for formatting I am on mobile while traveling so it could be kinda shitty.

So after our first night together, Becca and I started talking more and more about what we liked in bed. She told me how she wanted it rough and liked being degraded. I told her how I had always wanted to try tying someone up. Becca was VERY interested in that idea.

She texted me, “Oooooo I definitely want you to tie me up and use me however you want”

Didn’t have to ask me twice. I was all in for that. The next time we hooked up, we managed to find a way to actually be on a bed not in the back of my car.

Her parents ended up being gone for the day and a simple “Hey mom I’m going out to hang with friends!” and I was free to go. It was earlier in the morning, so when I pulled up to her mansion, she came out to greet me in the drive way in short booty pajamas that her plump and soft ass was pouring out of. I swear these shorts were 2 sizes too small and she wore them like they were painted on. It was magnificent.

My summer fling with a rich Asian virgin[MF]

So I decided to go back in time a bit, back to my high school days well before Amanda. For those of you who haven’t read those stories, you can find Part 1 [here](

This is another story about a girl who we will call Becca, not her real name of course, and how our brief summer fling unfolded. There most likely will be two parts to this story. Sorry, they will be on the longer side, I enjoy a writing a good backstory. The good stuff is at the dashed line

In high school, I had a ton of friends as I never really fit into one clique. But four of us were really really close. We hung out the most often outside of school or sports. We often hung out with a group of girls as well, but that group often changed with typically high school drama. Becca however, we basically avoided after awhile because she was super rich, didn’t have a lot of social awareness and honestly just annoyed the crap out of us. I honestly didn’t mind her that much, as she had a pretty obvious crush on me and only got on my nerves a couple times.

[M]y childhood [F]riend and I were fuck buddies in college Part 3

Thanks for all the support on this story so far, as its one of my favorite memories of college. You can catch up here if you haven’t read anything so far

[Part 1](

[Part 2](

Not exactly sure how I’m going to proceed from here and how many more posts there will be about Amanda, as I have some of my other college exploits to tell but for now, enjoy more of my story with Amanda.


So after the night we first hooked up, Amanda and I got together regularly. I would go out on a Friday night and hit her up and next thing you know we would be in either her dorm or mine and fucking like animals.

I explored more and more of her toned body and learned everything that turns her on, and what was a no go.

She loved being fingered and being eaten out, but never at the same time. Amanda liked to have multiple stimulations going.

[M]y childhood [F]riend and I were fuck buddies in college Part 2

I cracked down this morning and finished out this story, I was really surprised by how many liked this story and how quickly it rose to one of the top stories, so I wanted to fire out Part 2 which actually has the good stuff.

I will continue the night where we first explored the chemistry between us. Im not sure how much of our full story i will end up telling, but you can expect at least 2 or 3 more parts, maybe more if it goes well. You can read Part 1 [here](

So where I left off, we had just made out for the first time on the balcony, but stopped before it went too far to head back to the party.

After that, we were a little less reserved with our hands, while playing more drinking games and hanging out and dancing, my hands were always around her waist or brushing over her ass and giving a quick squeeze. I wanted to keep her wanting me until i knew i was able to seal the deal.

I won’t bore you with the mundane details of the rest of the night, but we eventually get a ride from the sober brother back to my dorm.

[M]y childhood [F]riend and I were fuck buddies in college

I’ve never made a post before so bear with me, i can be long winded at times.

EDIT: Formatting

Some background on the two of us, our fathers are best friends, were in the same fraternity in college and to this day talk at least 4 or 5 days out of the week despite both holding pretty time consuming jobs. So naturally, myself and (for privacy sake we will call her Amanda, its not her real name) grew up seeing each other all the time. I had a crush on her while growing up, and found out she also had a crush on me, but this was much later down the road. Her dad is my godfather, so it always seemed weird to have those sorts of feelings.

Flash forward to college, we are both freshmen (both of us were over 18) and somehow both ended up at the same school, our dads’ alma mater.