Had fun in the backseat while driving back from a day at the beach [fm] [x-post from r/stupidslutsclub]

A couple friends of mine invited me to go to the beach for the day. They invited me and another old friend I kind of lost touch with over the last several years. He’s 5 years older than me, and let’s just say the last time I saw him, he probably thought of me as just a little girl lol. So that morning I texted them I was on my way and when I got there he was outside. I guess my other friends sent him to help me lol. We greeted each other and he came up to me and hugged me. I was just wearing a swim top under a white tank top so when we let go of each other he took a look at my boobs. He realized I noticed and immediately turned away and asked to help with my bag, to put in the car we were taking. We stayed outside chatting for a few minutes. I noticed how handsome he looked and I became even more excited to go on this day trip lol.
On the way there we all just spent the whole time catching up. I learned he and his long time gf had broken up earlier this year and that he was single. It was my two friends in the front and him and I in the back. Nothing really happened on the way over there, except me catching him several times staring at my boobs. I didn’t mind, I liked it. So I made sure he had a good view. Like all our road trips, I took a pillow and blanket. I ended up falling asleep until we were nearly there. We first decided to walk around and check out the shops. At this point I knew I wanted it and didn’t really care or try to be subtle about it. So twice I past by him in the small aisles of this souvenir shop. First, brushing my ass right in front of him and the other time facing him gently pushing my boobs up against him. After that he couldn’t stop staring. We all sat down to eat at a restaurant and we sat diagonally from each other. When he would speak and see me staring directly at him he would look away all shyly lol. We finally ended up at our spot at this beach. We set up our chairs, towels and a blanket. We decided to take a walk first. We ended up looking for sand dollars. We noticed how the nice ones were all where the water was about knee deep. My friend number 1 hadn’t changed in to her shorts yet and friend number 2 didn’t plan on getting into the ocean at all. I was wearing my swim top and shorts already so I didn’t mind getting wet. He was wearing shorts and had extra clothes so he followed me and said he would help me. We eventually ended up in waist deep waters just enjoying the waves and getting wet, not looking for sand dollars anymore. My two friends left us and just continued on the walk. He kept telling me to go deeper and to follow him. I told him I was scared and he had to hold me. He was holding me by waist and I was holding on to his arms very tightly lol. I pushed him then he began trying to playfully put his arms around me underneath my boobs and making both of us fall into the water. I grabbed his arms while they were around me and slid them up a little so he can feel my boobs. I just smiled and gave him that look lol. He started touching my ass in the water and holding me a bit tighter. Eventually we got out and went back to our spot in the sand. We ended up staying there for several hours. Trying to relax was pretty difficult with all the sexual tension lol. We decided we should get going, we washed up and packed our things into the car. Before we left we went to another restaurant for dinner. This time we were sitting next to each other. He would carefully put his hand on my thigh and kept trying to slide it up and I had to stop him, I didn’t want my friends to notice. By the time we finished and were on the road it was about 9pm. The drive back is not all highway, its one lane traffic, mountains and forest all around. So it was pretty dark in the car. Again it was us in the back, my two friends up front. It was very cold so I was already under my blanket. Not even 5 minutes into the long winding road his hand was already in between my legs. I was so horny and was so patient all day I didn’t care to wait any longer lol. Nobody was talking to each other, we just had the music on very loudly. My friend number 2’s head was against the window, she had earphones in, and I knew she would fall asleep soon. He was rubbing me through my panties with his right hand and I quickly became so wet. I bent my left leg a little and put it up on the seat. So I was kind of facing him and he was still sitting forward trying to look casual lol. He stuck his middle finger into me and slowly started pumping it. I grabbed his wrist and guided him. I wanted more so I put his two fingers together and had him finger me like that. He tried adding another finger but I knew I would cum and be too loud so I didn’t let him ? lol. He played with my pussy for what seemed like forever and he was stroking his dick with his other hand. He was also under my blanket at this point. I was so glad and a little surprised that my wetness couldn’t be heard through the music. I kept having to stop him when I thought I would let out a moan. Friend 2 was asleep and my friend that was driving thought I was asleep cause I kept my head back and my eyes closed (I know this cause I ended up telling her what happened ?) He took my leg that was on the seat a little hanging by his knee and put it on his lap. I started feeling and playing with his dick with my foot. I could feel it throbbing and him kinda shifting a little. I stopped. I thought that was enough of me time lol
I “sleepily” shifted my self up and sat normally, I was closer to him now. I waited a bit then started giving him a hand job. I could feel him making a mess all over me. He had my towel that was on the floor around it lol. He was trying so hard not to moan, he got my pillow and buried his mouth into it. I went faster and swirled the tip with my thumb. He covered my hand and his dick with the towel. I felt him tense up and he came all over my hand. He cleaned himself up and I wiped myself then I stuck my index finger which had a bit of cum into my mouth while staring directly at him. We both ended up really falling asleep till we got home. I got off and put my things into my car. He kept my towel ? I said my goodbyes and we exchanged numbers. I’ve seen him 3 times since then and its been nice being able to cum as loud as I want lolol

Hooked up with a guy while shopping with my family [fm] [x-post from r/stupidslutsclub]

This happened Labor Day, my two aunts and I went shopping at some thrift stores downtown. There’s about 4 or 5 thrift stores all in a row. When we shop we don’t stay together or wait to go to the next one all at once. We just split up. I caught a guy (20) looking at me and I smiled at him. He asked if I was from around, I lied and said no. He was kinda awkward with his small talk. But I knew what I wanted and knew what he wanted so I asked if he drove here and if he was alone. He was. I told him let’s chill in your car for a bit. We get in and I told him to park in the parking lot across the street that’s meant for thrift store customers. When he was moving the car I started rubbing him through his basketball shorts and he was already rubbing my pussy with his right hand, I had tights on. He parked at the corner end of the parking lot by the fence and turned off the car so quickly, I was already kissing and sucking on his neck lol. I got his dick out and immediately started sucking it. It felt so good throbbing and getting so hard and big for me. I climbed in the back and he followed. He tried to rub my pussy but I just had him sit down normally and I was on the seat on my knees sucking him. He did reach from behind and was rubbing my asshole and pussy it felt soooo good. He finally came and I swallowed it. I told him to finger me and suck on my tits till I came and he did. I loved telling him what to do lol. After I got myself together I was getting out and he asked for my number and I told him my phone was broken lol. I shut the door and speed walked away. I walked all around the block to end up at the last thrift stores on the opposite side we started at and I just looked for my aunts. I finally found them both just at the second store and I told them I found some jeans I was trying on in the fitting room but none worked out.