Hiding under the bed to avoid her husband [M]

This a few years back. I was 18, just graduated highschool, and had recently swiped my v card(which is a whole story of its own). Looking back, I did a lot of thinking with my dick, which is something I’m trying to change, this story being one reason why.

I meet a woman online that shared my own budding interest in dom/sub play. She enjoyed being spanked, choked, pinned down etc. I for one was happy to do so as they were things I’ve wanted to try but hadn’t yet had a partner to experiment with.

To help with the visuals, I’m around 6’, skinny as a rail at the time, white, well above average size, blonde hair that had just started to grow out. She was probably around 5’4, thick figure with all the curves that body type comes with, and brunette

She decides to host and we pick a date. When it arrives, I was beyond excited. Basically already had my heart set on going through with the things we had talked about.