Lost control (part 1) [MF]

The Uber pulls up to the front of the house, you stumble out and towards the side door. You where only supposed to be out for a few drinks with your friends but it is now two am seven hours later.

You fiddle with your keys at the door leading to the garage trying to use the wrong key more than twice. Finally finding the right key you open the dimly lit garage and flip the switch to the main set of lights. Nothing happens and you flip it again. Giving up you close the door behind you and reach into your purse to find your phone. Six missed calls it reads as you ignore the message and turn on the flashlight.

Before your eyes adjust your pushed back against the wall. your short dress is pulled up wrapped around your wrists, the bottom fabric covering more than half your face. Your spun around arms stuck above your head. Facing the wall you feel pressure on your wrists pulling upward. You try to pull away from the wall but are trapped.