Perks of Being a Young Single Dad (M/F) (long)

The best day of my life was the day I became a dad. There’s nothing in this life that would compare to that experience. My son is 6. He was born when I was 18 so that makes me one of the younger dads, at least younger than most in my small town.

The town we live in is one of those tight knit, everyone knows you type of town. One school, one grocery store, couple churches and only a few restaurants. I grew up here, opened my own business, and built it from the ground up. My business has done great for me from day 1 practically. I own a lawn company, everything from mowing to trimming bushes or trees. I’d say I have taken care of almost every yard or helped at some point.

Every morning I would wake up, get my son ready for the day, load him in the truck and head down to the school. I take pride in making sure he is always clean cut, along with myself. Always make sure to get out to say goodbye not just drop him off and go. I take pride in knowing I’m doing my best to be a great dad but I also always loved the attention from the moms there that are dropping their own children off.

Our new found love (m/f) (pee play) (mutual masturbation)

My old lady and I recently welcomed a new baby boy to our family, we currently already have one. I was so incredibly nervous to go through the whole labor and delivery process again but we were both way more excited.

It was early Thursday morning when we arrived to the hospital, made our way up to the labor and delivery unit in the local hospital, she was being induced so we felt we were pretty prepared instead of the usual frantically rushing feeling to make it on time. Once we were settled into our room, we made ourselves comfy. She switched into the stereotypical gown and I was already wearing some pretty comfy sweats and a long sleeve shirt.

Everything was going fine, just as it should and she came to the point where she felt she should get the epidural before it was too late. Minutes later the anesthesiologist entered the room and did his procedure to administer the epidural. Almost immediately there was some relief for her as the medicine did it’s jobs and lessened her pain.

Normally shortly after the epidural is administered a nurse will insert a catheter to prevent her from peeing the bed uncontrollably as she would be numb.

Long Lost Cousin (M/F)

This comes from when I was 19 or so my cousin that I had recently met only a few years prior decided to bond for a night. My uncle had a few kids that he rarely saw being that he was very young when they ended up having their kids. I’ll call the cousin I met Taylor. Taylor was a year younger than me, she was tall, thin, with an amazing body. She was at least 5’9 very flat and fit stomach, thick thighs and a perfect volleyball ass. At the time she had perky C cups that she always liked to flaunt every time she ended up coming to a family event.

Categorized as Erotica

Mr. Anderson the Professor. (M/F) (mutual masturbation) (fisting) (squirting)

This one took me a few hours to write. I really really hope you appreciate it. Please share your thoughts and opinions. Looking forward to writing more in the future.

Mr. A

This was my second year as a professor being that I had just graduated myself a few years ago. But it was my first year teaching an intro class that was all taken by freshman only. My class was normally pretty full just about 50 kids if everyone showed up. The class room was more of a lecture hall so there was way more seats than there was students to fill them, naturally everyone spaced themselves out and barely anyone wanted to sit right up front. I couldn’t blame them this class was pretty slow, I taught Architecture History 101. Which was really just a class of taking notes and learning the different periods of architecture and how it evolved through time. Boring I know.

It was the 3rd week of class, everyone was filling it finding there spot among the seats. Most chose to sit toward the back some filled the middle but there was always this one female student who would sit In the very front row by herself, at the desk closest to my own.

Pt. 3 Dad and Daughters friends. MFF

It had been a couple weeks since Becca had said anything about Lizzy so I had assumed she decided what happened that night was only going to happen once. Which I was just hoping she hadn’t told anyone about it at least no one who would say anything to my daughter. Then one afternoon while sitting in my office at work I received a notification on my Facebook saying I had a friend request, thinking nothing of it I opened up my phone and believe it or not it was a request from Lizzy. I don’t think I could of accepted it faster if I tried.

I couldn’t decide if I should message her or just wait. I mean I know she wanted to talk or why would she of added me if she didn’t want to. I waited a few minutes debating on what to say to her when I received another notification for another friend request and it happen to be from another friend of my daughters her name was Anna. At this point I was sort of in a panic, I knew Anna and Becca weren’t nearly as close as her and Lizzy but I just knew Anna had to know something.

Pt. 2 to Dad giving daughter and friend a ride

I truly couldn’t believe what had happened that car ride home, watching my daughters friend play with her pussy in my back seat completely blew me away.

Once I walked in the front door I saw Becca walk up the stairs and head to bed “Goodnight Daddy, thanks for getting us home tonight.” She didn’t ask me where Lizzy had gone she didn’t seem to care she wasn’t in her room or she was too tired to say anything when she got there.

As soon as I heard Becca shut her door, the bathroom door swung open which was next to my bedroom, standing in the door way was Lizzy. As soon as she left my truck she had ran inside and grabbed an outfit she had packed in her bag.

She stood there, back against the door frame, she was in only a bra that was black and completely see through but still cupped her tits holding them perky and pressed together. You could see her nipples pressing against the thin lace. The panties she was wearing was a crotchless thong. Also was black it had a small lace flower right above her pussy but had no fabric covering it just two thin strips of fabric squeezing her pussy lips together making them look even more plump than before.

Dad driving daughter and her friend. [MF]

This is my first try at this so be easy on me!

It was mid semester for my daughter so that meant they were having the homecoming dance that weekend, as far as I knew she was just going with a couple friends.

It was Friday night I had just gotten off work, when I got home I could hear my daughter and her friend upstairs getting ready for the dance that night. Making my way up stairs I knock on her door and open it slowly.

“Hey daddy! How was work? Can you take us and pick us up from the dance tonight?” She asked knowing I couldn’t say no, especially when her friend was there as she asked.

“Sure hun, what time do you need to leave? I need to shower still I just got home.”

“Just by 7, and then picked up at 10! Thanks daddy!” Her friend and her are both seniors but didn’t want to drive that night so I figured I might as well help and give them a ride.