[Hot Tub Photo](https://imgur.com/a/SnGpFJ5)
**I broke my own rule, DON’T have sex with friends**
It was one of those perfect summer evenings and after a day at the beach, Rick my friend Deb and I were in our huge hot tub enjoying cocktails, laughing and joking with each other.
We’ve been drinking most of the day so by this point we are all more than a little drunk when the conversation starts to take a different tone. We started talking about turn-ons, past adventures, and future fantasies.
Keep in mind while we all talked Rick and I only offered the R-rated version of our life as we knew we would freak our friends the fuck out if they knew the details of our sex life.
Rick, Debbie, and I all exchanged more than a few glances back in forth when Deb told us in great detail how she had sex with her now ex-husband and one of his old friends from college when he visited a few times. She ultimately began to understand her husband Joe liked having a cock in his mouth a little too much and that led to the divorce last year.