[MF]The time I fucked and ghosted my friend’s needy slutty Latina girlfriend. with pics

A couple years ago I use to be friends with this guy who was pretty cool. He looked up to me because I was about 5 years older than him (I was 22 and he was 18.) He was still a senior in high school and I was attending college so we didn’t see much of each other.

One day I walked with him to meet his gf and I left back home. The girl was staring at me as I left and later added me on Facebook a couple days later. She started messaging ,asking how I knew her boyfriend and what we did when we hung out. We talked for weeks and one day she asked me to hang out with her. I was like “sure” then she started questioning if it would be weird and I disagreed. Then she confessed her feelings for me and complained that her bf cheats on her all the time and wanted me to rescue her like a knight in shinning armor. At this point, my friendship with him was pretty distant. He turned into a hype beast fag and ignored me when I would text him. So I told her she should come next Saturday