[MF] I (m22) developed my “skills” with my friend’s ex-girlfriend (f21) the day after they broke up.

[Part 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/stffhs/mf_i_m22_moved_in_with_my_friends_girlfriend_f21/)

[Part 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/stj3y0/mf_i_m22_moved_in_with_my_friends_girlfriend_f21/)

[Part 3](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/subscs/mf_i_m22_fucked_my_friends_girlfriend_f21_the/)

*Hello everyone, and apologies to those who have been waiting for this. A combination of writer’s block, busy lifestyle, and self-doubt has prevented me from getting this to you sooner, but I hope it’s worth some portion of the wait. Going forward, I’m considering shifting further updates onto something like Patreon (for free – always free), because to be honest the fake internet points really funked up my mojo and I don’t like writing this sort of thing with the concern for “points” in my head. I just want to retell this story of mine how it should be told. For those invested enough to care about following this story, let me know what you think about that idea. For everyone else, I just hope you have fun.*

[MF] I (m22) fucked my friend’s girlfriend (f21) the night they broke up.

*I recommend reading my first 2 posts if you haven’t already, but it’s up to you.*

The morning after I spent the night in Allie’s room, we had a serious conversation about the situation we were in. We both felt guilty about letting things go too far, but this was also the first time we spoke openly about how we felt about each other, and that *crush-feel* got in the way of what perhaps could have been a more productive discussion. Although we did manage to agree we’d hold off on more sexual activities until Allie broke up with John, it was increasingly hard to focus on the matter at hand.

We both knew this was a snowball-issue. We talked about the circumstances of our living situation, and how we both would – eventually – give in to our temptations, no matter how hard we tried, and we wouldn’t be able to stop. We had to face it, we both wanted each other badly.

“And even if we wanted to repress those feelings,” Allie said, “one day it’s going to be too much, and I’ll just jump you.” We laughed at the matter-of-factness in her voice. Truth be told, I’d never had a girl speak to me this way before – like I was something irresistible. I wanted more, so I decided to prod her a little bit.

[MF] I (m22) moved in with my friend’s girlfriend (f21); we started sleeping together. (Part 2/2)

*First off, thank you all for the delightful response to Part 1! As a long-time lurker of this sub, it’s very tickling to see my story get more reception than I ever expected.*

*Also, if there are any details you’d like me to expand upon, just let me know.*

*You’re the best, and I hope you enjoy.*

[Link to Part 1](https://old.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/stffhs/mf_i_m22_moved_in_with_my_friends_girlfriend_f21/)

The next day, Allie pretended like nothing ever happened. She came out of her room with a smile on her face, said she felt a little hungover, but that she had a great night. I didn’t really know what to expect, but I knew I’d let her take the lead, and if she wanted to pretend nothing happened then that was fine with me. Better than her telling John and then dealing with that whole mess.

[MF] I (m22) moved in with my friend’s girlfriend (f21); we started sleeping together. (Part 1/2)

*Just as a note, this happened a long time ago and all the fallout of the event has been resolved. I’m not looking for advice or reprimands for what happened, I’m just here to post some smut. That is all.*

About 5 years ago, I was 22 and moving out of home to a sharehouse with a friend (23) and his girlfriend (21). This living-together plan had been in the works for 2 years and was finally happening. I’d always been dying to live away from family, and ideally by myself, but given various personal and real-estate circumstances that just was not viable at this time. So despite my reservations regarding living with a couple, I figured it was now or never, and just at the start of January we moved in.