Groped in My Sleep [true story/21+/MF]

SN: I’ve posted this before on another account that is now deleted, so if you’ve recognize this post that’s why.

For starters, I’m a black girl. I am 5’4, and at the time that this happened I was 21. One evening two of my friends wanted to go out and drink. For the sake of the story let’s call them Crystal and Dani. Crystal thought it would be fun to go to her older male cousin’s house. When I say older, I mean he was like 42 at the time. I really didn’t want to go. I wanted to stay in my dorm and chill. For whatever reason Crystal was really pressed about me coming. I kept refusing and she kept asking me. Eventually her and Dani left to grab some food. While they were out Crystal called me still trying to convince me to come. I kept telling her no. However, I did start to feel bad when she said that I don’t really fuck with her and Dani like that and when she insinuated that I prefer my other friends over them (as the reason for why I kept refusing to go). None of which was true. After about ten minutes of the phone conversation, I gave in. Crystal and Dani drove back up to our dorm to get me, where I met them outside. We quickly got on the road and made the hour trip to her cousin’s house.

Groped In My Sleep

[SN: I posted this story before on another account that is now deleted, so if you recognize this story, that’s why.]

For starters, I’m a black girl. I am 5’4, and at the time that this happened I was 21. One evening two of my friends wanted to go out and drink. For the sake of the story let’s call them Crystal and Dani. Crystal thought it would be fun to go to her older male cousin’s house. When I say older, I mean he was like 42 at the time. I really didn’t want to go. I wanted to stay in my dorm and chill. For whatever reason Crystal was really pressed about me coming. I kept refusing and she kept asking me. Eventually her and Dani left to grab some food. While they were out Crystal called me still trying to convince me to come. I kept telling her no. However, I did start to feel bad when she said that I don’t really fuck with her and Dani like that and when she insinuated that I prefer my other friends over them (as the reason for why I kept refusing to go). None of which was true. After about ten minutes of the phone conversation, I gave in. Crystal and Dani drove back up to our dorm to get me, where I met them outside. We quickly got on the road and made the hour trip to her cousin’s house.