So those of you that didn’t read my last story this is a continuation. Really just another one of my favorite encounters with Amanda. I’m pretty new to this so don’t expect perfection.
[Amanda Pt1](
So after Amanda Came back from her vacation we kept “hanging out” the story I’m about to tell y’all is still one of my favorite encounters we had. Like I explained in the last story Amanda was this dance/cheerleader type girl and I played in the band so the dance team and band worked together alot preparing shows what ever the up coming show entailed that week. This was about a week before school started so we were in high gear getting everything ready for next week’s game. The first Gane of the year is a huge deal the week would be a full of pep rallys and plenty of school spirit. Needless to say the dancers were out there with us practicing in the summer heat. Amanda and I kept making eye contact and checked each other out. We’d share a few words at the water horse every time we got a water break. Nobody knew about us or that even we spoke outside of rehearsals which I think made our secret relationship even hotter.