Raped By My Sister’s Boyfriend [fM] [Rape]

I recently graduated from high school and am moving out soon. This experience happened a few years ago now, and I’m now emotionally ready to share it. I grew up in a very loving home, typical dad and mom, and 2 older sisters. I was just turning 15 at the time, my second sister being 19 and my oldest sister being 26. The oldest moved out on her own after a fight with my parents when she was a teenager, she was always rebellious in nature and enjoyed sneaking out most of the time. In turn, once she left, my parents became extremely strict. My second oldest sister was not allowed to date until she graduated, and by then, we were both very shy, and both of us just enjoyed girly things that did not involve boys whatsoever. I think of myself as the most shy. And ive never really been one for boys or wearing anything too revealing. I did sort of “grow up” a lot right before freshman year, and a lot of older men took notice. I’m 5’6”, have long black hair and brown eyes. And I have a very curvy and quiet. The kind of girl you don’t really notice she has an ass until you catch her wearing pj shorts. And I wouldn’t wear anything too revealing during school, but would get comfortable at home since it was mostly girls and dad. Dad was hardly ever home, and we live in a very small and casual town.

Raped By My Sister’s Boyfriend [fM] [Rape]

I recently graduated from high school and am moving out soon. This experience happened while I was a freshman. I grew up in a very loving home, typical dad and mom, and 2 older sisters. I was just turning 15 at the time, my second sister being 19 and my oldest sister being 26. The oldest moved out on her own after a fight with my parents when she was a teenager, she was always rebellious and enjoyed sneaking out. In turn, once she left, my parents became extremely strict. My second oldest sister was not allowed to date until she graduated, and by then, we were both very shy, and both of us just enjoyed girly things that did not involve boys whatsoever. I think of myself as the most shy. I never wear anything too revealing. I did sort of “grow up” a lot right before freshman year, and my clothes were a bit tighter than usual. I’m 5’6”, have long black hair and brown eyes. Light skinned. And I have a very curvy and innocent looking body. The kind of girl you don’t really notice she has an ass until you catch her wearing pj shorts, kind of innocent. And that was mostly me. Wouldn’t wear anything too revealing during school, but would get comfortable at home since it was mostly girls and dad. Dad was hardly ever home, and we live in a very small and casual town.

Practice in D Minor [mF] [Teacher] [Oral]

Alli had the most perfect little body. Our new music director was fresh out of grad school, and her small figure matched her youthful personality. I call her Alli, because calling her Mrs. Lastname made her feel old. This would be her first music job since graduating, but she was definitely not inexperienced. With the firmest of personalities, she stood at just about 5’4″, short red hair, freckles and gorgeous green eyes that sometimes turned blue, with an ass that deserves its own few sentences. She was an avid runner, and had a body that confused her as a PE teacher. We weren’t used to it. Alli wore the tightest pants that just barely hugged around her waist. She couldn’t find jeans that fit both her ass and waist respectively, this part here is very true, she’d complain about it frequently, and we were all the more grateful for it. She couldn’t walk away without an entire group just ogling her entirely. Her waist was just unbelievable. And on the days we performed, I’d feel envious of the audience behind her, witnessing her in her usual skirts. For a high school full of dry old men, she was more one of us rather than an adult. She demanded we all call her Alli the first day we met, and was just the coolest teacher we’d ever have. We all wanted to fuck her immediately.

Any Teenage Boy’s Dream [Fm] [Rape] [Public]

It’s been 4 years now since the girls and I started our little tradition. Every summer, Amy, Tessa and I schedule a long weekend, where we drive up together to a cabin by the largest lake in our state. Amy’s dad lets us borrow it for a few days so long as we don’t burn it down. It’s remote enough where we wont be bothered, but close enough to a Starbucks maybe a half hour away. It’s a great way to avoid the heat, relax, and celebrate their birthdays. Amy’s is July 5th, Tessa’s is on the 8th. We make sure to be the first to submit our PTO requests as early as possible so we can get the weekend after the 4th sealed and set. The entire month prior is spent picking out outfits, movies to watch, books, anything you could think of. Of course, there’s a bit more to the trip than just a girl’s trip. We have to find some way to destress from work, in a way that’s safe and totally in our control.

The Consequences of Infidelity [FMMM] [Rape] [Cheating]

I would never think of myself as someone who could ever possibly cheat. Not in a million years, I would tell myself. I’d read countless posts on forums, watch countless of movies with characters participating, listen to friends and sometimes family tell stories about how they’d come close to, or sometimes commit to, cheating on a significant other – I would always listen attentively, but feel repulsed at the very thought. I could never possibly cheat on anyone. It is hurtful, it’s evil, and even now, I can’t bring myself to believe I could ever do it again.

Sharing With the Old Man

I’ve always been the pervert in every relationship I’ve been in. Exploring new kinks, new ideas, always pushing limits for myself and the girls I happened to be with. Any kink you could name, I likely enjoyed it, or at the very least tried it out at some point. Unfortunately beginning relationships on such sexual grounds led to a lot of heartbreak and not a ton of monogamy (or at least when I wanted it to). It wasnt until I met Tara that I instead chose to keep these things private. Tara was way out of my league. Tall, long pale legs, an ass that looked perfect in any pair of jeans, an asset from her high school track days. I knew guys would hit her up left and right. But most importantly, Tara was incredibly shy, gullible, and inexperienced. She was like a delicate flower I had to care for and cultivate. This led me to become a saint in every day life, and a sexual deviant online. I didn’t have any way of keeping the balance. It all felt very secretive. But it kept Tara from thinking I was a total freak, which of course I knew, I very much was.

You Were Right [FM] [Cheating] [Oral]

Isaac started messaging me a few years into our marriage. I remember loving the idea of reconnecting, I hadn’t heard from him in years. You disliked the thought immediately, and I couldn’t really understand why. “Why would he reach out to you now? It’s a bit inappropriate,” you would say. I didn’t really think so. I was his babysitter for much of his youth, and a friend of his family’s for years after. I never thought it inappropriate for us to be chatting now that he was older. It was nice to catch up and learn what a young man he had grown up to be, and the thought of anything else never crossed my mind.

I kept it secret, but with good intentions. Silencing my phone so you wouldnt hear his notifications. It all started innocently enough, him asking about my day, where I lived now, what I did for a living. It was sweet how interested he was in me. It felt genuine. When you found him liking my pictures on instagram, you were upset how he only seemed to like pictures where I was alone. I didn’t think much of it. Why would he like pictures you’re in? He doesn’t know you. You asked me to talk to him about it, but I never did. I found it flattering.

My Ex and My Best friend, Part 2 [Rough] [Rape] [Cheating]

[Part 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/chskzo/my_ex_and_my_best_friend/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share)

I was a different person when I first met Nathan. We were both in high school then, in our small town with small problems. Teenagers only really worried about what comes next, where we’d be or what we’d do. When I met Nathan, all the worrying was just swept away. I was happy, then. I loved him then, and I love him still. But things happen that you can’t ever explain or ignore, and I lost him. I lost him because of Martin.

Nathan and I were living together for a few years now, high school sweethearts living their wildest dreams. We weren’t very particular, just enjoyed staying up late, playing games, cuddling, loving each other to the fullest. Time could have stopped right then and there, and I would be the happiest. We could continue living that way, just the two of us, and our dog Ike. But it’s as if that feeling in my stomach kept telling me it wouldn’t last, something would happen. I never knew what, or when. I just felt like I was living in a memory.

Abusing Natalie [MfMMf] [Rough] [Rape] [Incest]

My younger sister Natalie has always been the favorite. Always recognized in the family, never really in any sort of trouble. Maybe it’s an older sibling thing, but the parents have always been stricter on my end. Double standards, different curfews, different rules, it’s always been the way things were. Maybe it’s because I still lived at home after graduating high school. Maybe it’s because I was a guy. Who knows. But Natalie will always be the perfect daughter. No matter what she does. And the worst part is, she’s always been the sweetest to me.

I didn’t always want her like I do. Viewing your sister sexually requires years and years of frustration. Tons of buildup. And the occasional bonding here or there. Like I said, she’s always been great to me. Always there to listen to my rants or my complaints about the folks. She’s always kept my secrets and confided a few of her own from time to time. It was no surprise that when I started delving into the darker taboos, painal, rapekink, and of course, incest, I naturally started seeing the young sis in a different light. Her secrets became weaknesses. Her snuggles became intimate. And that perfect volleyball ass of hers became my main point of focus during every interaction. Each conversation became “How can I get you to turn around so I can stare at that tight little ass of yours?” Hers was clearly her defining physical attraction. Tits, not so much. All I ever wanted in this world was to have her. And that fateful week that our aunt died, I finally had my chance. I wasn’t going to just let it go.

My Ex and My Best Friend [MFM] [Rough] [Cheating] [Humiliation]

Nowadays, if a friend or acquaintance asks if I’d like to join in and get high, I get that all too familiar pit in my stomach. You know the kind – the kind that reminds you of all the bad shit. The loss of a loved one, an anxious job, or in this particular instance, being cheated on. I was high the first time I was cheated on by the love of my life. And ever since then, I have never enjoyed reliving that sensation, and I’m about to tell you why.

Emma was all you could ask for in a girl. She was short, perky, incredibly intelligent to match her unbelievable attractiveness. Dark brown hair that turned to rose under dim lighting, and sweet blue eyes that occasionally turned grey. Her skin was smooth and full of freckles, and her personality made even strangers warm up to her immediately. I write about her as if I havent gotten over her, and that’s because I really havent. I still don’t know if I’m to blame, my ex best friend Martin, or Emma herself for whatever happened. I try not to think about it too often. That pit in my stomach always ends up feeling worse and worse. It’s hurtful to admit that through this all, I lost two bestfriends.