Sharing Isn’t Easy [Cuckold] [Cheating]

You never realize just how expensive life can be until you’re struggling to pay rent.

I consider myself the most financially responsible person I know, keeping a detailed excel sheet of all my bills, paychecks, and purchases, making sure I always know exactly how much I have, and how much I need to get by. That summer, the balances had been consistently red for the 4th month. Credit cards maxed out, car payment due in a few days, for the first time in my life, I didn’t have enough to pay next month’s rent. My girlfriend and I lived in a small 2 bedroom apartment just half an hour away from work. We both worked at a local medical office, making a decent living, but rent alone was burning through our earnings. We decided it might be best to start looking for a roommate, even though neither of us was thrilled at the idea, the thought of having a couple extra hundred bucks helped us move past any reservations. A few days of hunting on craigslist and being ghosted by several potential candidates, we desperately started asking around at work. A friend of a friend reached out to a brother, who then reached out to me to set up a meeting. Luckily for us, he was ready and willing to move in the following weekend. He didn’t have much else but a torn up mattress and a half-broken IKEA nightstand that looked as if he’d picked it up that same morning, likely from a yard sale. Moving went smoothly and he paid his share that same weekend, it finally looked like we’d have some breathing room.

Alone For The Weekend [Incest] [F/d] [Non-Con]

*Gulp, gulp, gulp, and hold…*

My throat was burning from tonight’s hour-long session. Just like before, dad had waited till around midnight to sneak out of bed and enter my room. He brought the same long-sleeve shirt, tied it behind my back, before dragging me inside my closet just as before. It had been a few weeks now since this became a regular thing, sometimes he’d spend an hour, sometimes longer. It’s hard to accept how all those looks, awkwardly long hugs and inappropriate gropes were all leading up to such barefaced abuse. He was constantly pushing boundaries, and mom and I both just sort of allowed it. Whether I was to blame, or mom, or dad, who even knows at this point. Judging by the way he used me, it’s safe to assume he’d been wanting to do this for quite some time.

*Gulp, gulp, gulp, and hold again…*

As he wraps his hands around my hair and pulls me off, I plead for a break for as long as I can, and the stinging in my throat resurfaces from the touch of cold air. He grabs a shirt from the floor and wipes my face away. I can feel him fixing my hair again up to form a bun, and I’m left sobbing at the thought that he’s not nearly as done as I hoped he would be.

My Tinder Match [Incest]

I’ve been living back home for almost a year now. I’m fortunate enough to have a wonderful dad, always assuring me I could come back whenever and figure life out together. After a job didn’t pan out too well in the city, I took him up on it and grabbed my old room. I kind of hate it here. The change from living in a big city to a small town again has been a difficult adjustment. But living with dad hasn’t been too bad. He’s quiet, sweet, and mostly spends his time traveling for work or visiting our grandmother in upstate New York.

Feeling the loneliness a bit harder than usual, I decided to get on tinder to try to scope out the bachelors in our old town. All I found was mostly high school boys pretending to be older than they were, luckily none of them old enough to recognize me. I got a fair bit of matches, sure, but none that I was really interested in. Instead I chose to start lowering my standards, started even swiping on the older men that could even pass off as my dad based on age alone. (I might’ve even curiously swiped on an old teacher of mine, though I never matched with him so that sort of felt like a waste!)

Fun with Mom [M/F] [Incest] [Son/Mom]

I’ve been dying to fuck my mom for as long as I can remember. She’s tall, incredibly attractive, and has the smoothest voice that just milks you dry the more she speaks to you. It started off innocently enough. With dad and her divorcing, I was allowed to occasionally sleep in the master bed. Rubbing myself up against her as she slept, wearing her silky soft pajamas, realizing all the dreams of puberty every night beside such a wonderful example of a woman. It became an obsession. I wanted to breed her. Every porn star reminded me of her. I wanted to fill her up in ways no one else ever had. I was always a bit flirty with her, though I’m sure she never thought much of it other than just a horny teenage boy needing to get off – which was really an accurate definition, among many others. We’ve always had a special relationship she doesn’t seem to share with my sisters. Or with dads for that matter.

When I lost my job, my girlfriend and I moved in back home with her. She was all I could think about. This last week I decided to finally make my move. I was going to have her.

My HS Math Teacher [FM] [Blackmail]

I few nights ago, I was at a college party and got way too drunk. Definitely way more than I should.

A couple of guys got a hold of my phone and thought it would be fun to play a little game. They searched through my gallery and found a risque picture, searched through my facebook friends list, and sent it to them. The picture was a recent one I had sent to my boyfriend, mostly just showing off a new one piece I had bought and thought he’d like. It wasnt until the following day, hungover and sick to my stomach, that I found out they had sent that picture to my old high school math teacher, Mr. Peterson.

Mr. Peterson was always creepy. Typical old guy vibes. Checked out the girls and would seat them all upfront for him to harass, myself included. I was one of the few that actually tried giving the guy a chance. He was an absolute genius. But the 3 classes I had with him could not end soon enough. He started hugging me every day after class now, keeping me behind on some false lecture he’d frame up on the spot. He even started touching me inappropriately during my last year, I guess he figured I wasn’t one to say anything because he kept getting more and more aggressive. I just viewed him as a lonely old man that needed friendship. Clearly I was wrong.

The Catfish [FM] [Incest] [B/S]

I’ve had a large following on social media for a few years now. I’m no influencer, nor a model by any means, though maybe someday I’d like to be. Some of you might even recognize me. It started with my older brother posting my pictures in the early teens, with him eventually asking me to take over the account as it was growing and growing with constant requests for more of me. The amount of attention it’s given me can best be described as intoxicating, because it is just that. For a young girl, having someone to constantly compliment you, someone messaging you or asking how you’re doing, it can certainly be intimidating. My mother and father encouraged it thinking it might actually be relevant someday and possibly help come college time. I got my fair share of creeps, of course. The usual jock asking for nudes, or the older gentleman pretending to know just what I like. My parents and my brother fortunately taught me how to handle them. In hindsight, I probably should’ve told them about Drew months ago. But recently turned 18, I felt like I could handle him on my own just like the rest.

The Forgotten Daughter [Incest]

I became a dad way too young. Mostly due to my own carelessness. At 15, I knocked up my high school girlfriend. She gave birth to a healthy girl. We tried to make it work, but we were both children. We had no idea what we’d gotten ourselves into. I had zero clue how to even begin acting like a partner, let alone a father.

My parents then decided to move out of state. I did what any kid would do. I said goodbye. I kissed my problems away. I washed my hands clean of the entire situation, and for most of my youth, I almost felt a sense of relief for having done so.

Now in my mid thirties, I decided to try and reconnect. I apologized profusely over a period of months. Though no one ever seemed to blame me, my ex girlfriend least of all. She was just happy I reconnected, for the sake of our daughter, Samantha.

Trading Girlfriends [MF] [MF] [Rape] [Coercion] [Friends]

A few months back, my girlfriend and I first discussed the possibility of an open relationship. We’ve been dating close to 6 years now, high school sweethearts, and I couldn’t help but feel like I was missing out in some way. I wanted to experience tinder. I wanted to learn what “hooking up” was all about. I understood why she was hesitant, but I made sure to reassure her at every moment. We would have a set of rules. We would be honest, and transparent, and we each held the right to say no to anyone we didn’t approve of. After weeks of nudging, she reluctantly agreed on those terms. I kept insisting it would be nothing romantic, that I loved her very much but that this would all be purely sexual, though that didnt seem to make her feel any better. She made me promise to keep it between us. We shared a lot of the same friends, and we both agreed it would be best to keep them unaware of our openness, in order to avoid any awkward questions. She said she didnt feel like dating anyone currently, but that I was free to do so, as long as those rules were kept. I enthusiastically thanked her, sincerely appreciating what an incredible partner I had. I thought maybe only my best friend Matt could know, knowing he wouldn’t tell anyone if I asked. Thinking he’d view this all without involving himself was my first mistake.

My Wife and Her Boss [MF] [Cheating]

My wife and I love our jobs. We work for the same company, albeit different departments. We aren’t allowed to be under the same department head, so we keep out distance. I’ve noticed she’s one of only 2 women in her entire floor, and this used to make me a bit uncomfortable. Her boss is around her age, and a bit inappropriate. But she’s sworn to be loyal and I feel our relationship is at its peak. I was never overly jealous. I’m a bit older for her, but that’s never been a problem before.

She recently backed up her phone, and her texts automatically backed up to my drive. I found all of these, all from different dates.

[My Wife and Her Boss](

I’m confronting her tonight about it. Not sure what to say.

Edit: Getting a ton of encouraging messages. While very appreciated, this is all fantasy. Lol. So you can all fap away guilt free.

Their Little Secret [MFM] [Incest] [Brother/Sister]

I’m posting here maybe asking for a bit of advice, or wondering if anyone else has ever been in a similar situation.

The wife and I have been married close to 5 years now. We’re incredibly transparent, with an amazing and healthy sex life, sharing all our fantasies early on and finding them more than compatible. There’s nothing we don’t know about each other. She’s an amazingly attractive woman, so much so that it’s always a bit surprising to friends and strangers that she’d say yes to a guy like me – all in good fun of course. She just has the warmest aura about her, and everyone picks up on it. Since I married her so quickly after dating, a bit under a year, I never got much time to spend with her family. Both her parents lived out in Colorado, and her brother was a crossfit coach in LA, a pretty successful one at that. When they invited us out to spend the holidays at their place, there wasnt much room to deny them. I felt obligated to take the time off of work, and Brenda was ecstatic. She told me I’d love them, and they were all sweet people. When I’d ask about her brother, however, she was not at all short for words. He was the kindest man she’d ever known. He was the handsomest Jack any girl could dream of, and had the firmest character you could imagine. He was more than just a brother to her, he was her best friend, she would say. I couldn’t help but notice a tingle in her eye as she described him. So the wife had a bit of a sibling crush on her older brother, no big deak. I even thought it was cute. When we finally got there, I’d soon learn a crush was really putting it mildly.