A Foursome Story [MF/MF]

Instead of continuing to hit refresh all afternoon waiting for an orange envelope (you know who you are and you know just what you're doing to me…) I decided I'm overdue for a post over here.

There is one epic story that I've been holding back, lazy about writing up and editing, so here goes something —

To this day I've yet to have a threesome. I did, however, have a foursome in college. Call me an overachiever :) My boyfriend at the time knew I also liked girls but didn't want me to get down behind his back. I also knew he'd had sex with a guy friend and his wife once and was jealous that I hadn't ever had a threesome. So we decided to remedy the situation and started researching swinger clubs. They seemed….intimidating. We found the relevant sites though and made a profile seeking another couple. We got a lot of responses but were being very picky, still not sure exactly what we were open to. We were pretty young, I guess only 20 or 21 at the time, and most couples on the site were a lot older than us. Or I'd be attracted to the girl but the guy creeped me out. It went on like that for a while.

First Anal [f/m]

This one is by request ;)

This memory is a little fuzzy (it's been a long while) but as a milestone in my sexual history most of the important snapshots are still there.

It was the summer between sophomore and junior year. (NOTE – seriously, all my BEST stories seem to take place during summer, I should wear a chastity bathing suit). I was 16 and newly single. My ex-boyfriend and I had a typical, tumultuous teenage relationship (that would go on/off again for the next 7 years or so, far too long). My friend and I went to a summer festival concert and ran into one of my ex's best friends, Benji (not his real name). Ben had just graduated and was headed off to an Ivy League school for college. He was already a cocky motherfucker but the Ivy League prestige definitely put a new spring in his step. As did his newly pierced tongue.

Surprise Strap-On / Lily Part II (F/F)

Did I give away too much in the title? Hehe. The prelude is here.

So after that first night Lily and I started dating. Proper dating, we really dug each other. My heart wasn't fully into it though. This was my wild "find myself" kind of summer and I wasn't about to be tied to one person. I was dating a guy too who thought he had my heart and I also had a random hook up here and there. I'm still shocked that I never got caught. I wasn't careful at all. That first night sitting on the balcony with Lily I actually saw the guy walk right below us (holding a ukele of all things – I have random taste in people – and a photographic memory it seems). Another night Lily brought over take out, we watched a movie, and we rolled around in my bed for a while. I wasn't watching the clock because I knew he worked late and by the time I smacked her ass goodbye I realized he would be getting off work any minute. Except he got off early. And literally knocked on my door MOMENTS after Lily's car pulled away. Thank you evil sex demons! That would have been difficult to explain to both of them…

Cherry Chapstick / Lily Part I (F/F)

Friends, I'm really feeling the ladies this week. So I thought I'd tell you some of my memories of my favorite female partner. Dare I say the one that got away?

This first section is mostly a prelude. There's no sex here but you know I'm good for it in the follow-up.

One of my favorites mentioned chapstick the other day in passing. Any mention of chapstick brings me back to a warm summer night with the girl whose memory haunts me. Lily. Fucking Lily (not her real name).

I was living away that summer. The friend that traveled with me left after a few weeks and I was all alone. The only people I knew were those I worked with or friends that came to visit. So I decided since it was a small town to lurk on craigslist for a while and see if I could find some friends. Wasn't really looking for a hookup, just locals who were like minded.

Lily had posted that she was looking for friends and if something more developed then so be it. I'd responded to a similar post from a guy and I didn't get raped or killed so I figured what the hell. And her picture was so cute, how could I resist? Worst case scenario I'd make a new friend to explore the city with.

I dom’d a guy (and I liked it). [F/M]

So I originally posted this as a storytelling/re-enactment type thing to /r/gonewildaudio but after only 24 hours I was so mortified by my acting skills that I took it down. It's a story I often chuckle to myself about though so I think worth sharing. And I can explain so much better in this format.

There's a long backstory to this one that gives it context. If you're just looking for the sex get to scrolling.

This takes place while I was still in grad school, after my epic summer away that started with The Rugby Player I'd decided to try to settle down, stop having random sex, and if I recall "He's Just Not that Into You" was really gaining popularity. The movie had probably just come out and all my girls were locked into the lessons in the book. So when I met this guy, let's call him Colin (not his name), I was resolved not to play the silly dickmatized girl. It also helped that I was salivating over a completely different guy at the time, a singer in a band, so I wasn't all about hooking up with Colin, at least not in the beginning.

Short Story about the Longest [F/M]

Happy weekend lovelies. Here's a short story about the longest cock I've encountered.

One summer (why do all my best stories take place during summer?) a friend of a friend contacted me about recently moving to town and whether I could show him around. I was studying for a huge exam at the time but figured I could use an afternoon off and pretend to be a tourist in my own town. I knew nothing about this person other than that he was close to my age and very clever on the phone. I was swamped with studying but agreed to take an afternoon to show him the sights as a friendly gesture and a mental break for me. Over the phone I grew to suspect we didn't have much in common though – he seemed a bit flashy, a name dropper, intrigued by the club scene. But whatever – it was just an afternoon of sight seeing and I could use the break.

The Rugby Player. Part III (finale) [f/m]

Thanks everyone for the comments and feedback. I sincerely appreciate it. But for now here's the finale of this one. Part I Part II

The next day I had a bit of a spring in my step. Grinning ear to ear over the exhilaration of the night before, even the thought of moving couldn't get me down (and I DETEST moving). My friend and I said goodbye to my family and got on the road for the last 4 hour leg of our drive to my new city. We arrived and found my adorable rental in a bit of a mess and started cleaning, went to the grocery store, all terribly unsexy things but my mind was still rehashing every moment from the night before. I couldn't help but think of running into Billy again. My friend knew, I couldn't hide my curiosity, she kept catching me smiling to myself and finally suggested that we head to the bars later to celebrate our arrival.

The Rugby Player. Part II [f/m]

Part I (just the lead up) is here

The next day my friend and I debated whether to go to the rugby game we'd been invited to. As hot as it would have been to watch those guys get all sweaty, I didn't think it was worth it because 1) highly unlikely anything physical would happen there and then and 2) even though I was fine with actually being a "groupie" I didn't want to live up to the stereotype needlessly. After all, I wanted Billy's cock, not just to fawn all over him. Let the other groupies do that.

Later we "got cute" for the night ahead of us, relaxed, pre-gamed a bit. I remember that my friend was trying to convince me not to be so single minded, to be open to whatever else the night might have in store for us. And usually I would be. But not this night. I'd already decided his dick would be mine.

The Rugby Player. Part I [f/m]

Longtime lurker, first time poster. I was recounting the short version of this to a friend yesterday and remembered that I'd been meaning to post the long version here, for all of you lovelies. It took place over 3 consecutive days so I'll tell it in three parts.

DISCLAIMER – everything is true but I've changed names and some location details for privacy. Also, this first part isn't very sexy. But it's background for the next two steamier parts. You can skip this if you're just skimming for the sex ;)

One year during grad school I took a summer internship in a completely different city. I'd recently broken up with a long-term boyfriend and intended to use that summer to really "find myself" in all the best and worst ways. The city I was moving to for the summer is about 15 hours drive from my home so a good friend of mine and I packed up the car and set out for a crazy summer. We made plans to stop and stay for a night at my uncle's house which was about 2/3 of the way there so we wouldn't have to drive straight through. We had so much fun we ended up staying for two nights before heading off to our destination. But that stopover is where the story begins.