Dinner Party – Pt. 1 – (MF/BD)

Prompt: A man has arranged a dinner party for his friends. Upon arrival the group enters the dining area, and discovers the man’s wife naked on the center table. She is bound by silken ties, her mout gagged with a delicious looking red apple, and she’s blindfolded.

The man smiles at the frozen postures, and slightly shocked expressions as his guests survey the situation. He steps to the side with a simple expression, “Dinner is served.”

I’d walked into the room with the others, but while they stared on, unsure of what to do, I started casually strolling around her, surverying her.

After a few minutes, I knelt down beside her, whispering in her ear to make sure she knows to play nice, or else. A muffled voice sent a reassuring message back to me.

I ran my fingers down that smooth body of hers, my hands sliding over some of the bindings as I meander over her soft flesh. My hand gave a swift and decisive snack upon her ass, leaving a faint red mark that deepened as the seconds passed.