When I was between marriages, before I met my wife, I carried on an affair with married woman for over a year. Kim was early 40s, a former beauty queen that had gained a lot of weight when she was pregnant but still had awesome curves. Her husband was a very successful businessman that owned several tire shops around the area. He was also a fat slob, former all-American athlete, that had to lay down to get a blowjob, otherwise his gut hung over his dick and she couldn’t get to it. He was always hounding her for sex, but she found him disgusting and only fucked him enough to keep him from kicking her out. Their son was 16 and attended a private military school, only coming home on the weekends and during school breaks.
The following is an ongoing fantasy I have about Kim. The fantasy is set in current time although our affair was over 25 years ago. Cell phones were just coming out and most were so big they had to be mounted in a car. Anyway, on with the fantasy.