[MF] becoming “naked friends” with a woman I met online

I travel a lot for work. This leaves me with lots of lonely nights in hotels, and hotels always make me horny. So, if I’m being honest, there are some nights I don’t spend alone…

I’m not the type to go out to a club, and I prefer talking to people. Conversation and getting to know someone, even if superficially, is what turns me on. Plus I tend to better with women when I can communicate, rather than just shouting “what?” in each other’s ears.

Plus, as much as I do love variety (and I do, sue me…) I also do like getting to know someone sexually, and not just having repeated one night stands. When I connected with this woman on a dating site she was disappointed to learn that I didn’t live in her city. We’d already flirted quite a bit, and had established interest in one another, but she was hoping she was going to find someone who lived in town.

I reminded her that I would be a frequent visitor and can be a fun friend until she finds the long term relationship she was looking for, and followed it up with a Wink emoji…

[MF] The simple, but HOTTEST sex I’ve ever had… (to this point)

Like I’ve said in my other posts, I travel a lot for work. This usually leads to many of my most story-worthy adventures. Sometimes they involved hotwives and their husbands taking video, sometimes it’s a woman from a hotel bar, and sometimes it’s someone I’ve met off tinder or bumble.

In this case, the woman I was waking up with had become a regular friend (she’s featured in my story of 12 locations in 6hrs) after we’d met on tinder. She and I had incredible sexual chemistry. When I was with her I couldn’t keep my hands off her. The kind of woman that got more attractive the more you looked at her. Plus, she was about 5’1, great curly hair that seemed to beg to be pulled when I was behind her, smaller but perky breasts, and one of the greatest asses I’ve seen. She was fit, with a nice stomach, but that ass… mmm, just got excited remembering it.

On this particular meeting she had spent the night with me. I can’t remember for sure, but I believe this was the morning after the night we played the game of how many locations we could fuck in over 12hrs. Regardless, we spent the night together, both sleeping naked in my hotel room bed in downtown Orlando.

[MF] Licking a stranger’s pussy for 2.5hrs

A female chat friend of mine once made a comment that stopped me in my tracks. I couldn’t believe how much I related to what she had just said, but didn’t even realize it. I’d never thought of it the way she described it, but as soon as she said it I knew that was my viewpoint as well.

“Our sex lives should be filled with great anecdotes to look back at later.”

I realized I chased that idea myself, although I did it unconsciously. There are several times in my life that I did things as much because it would be a great memory or story to tell later, as much as it was going to be sexual gratifying in the moment.

This is a story of one of those times.

In this period of my life I was having a LOT of casual sex. I was working regularly in Florida and had made a couple of regular friends, plus would have the occasional spontaneous experience as well. I would usually be in town for 4 nights every 3 weeks and over a year long stretch I would rarely spend a night alone. I guess my theory that ‘making sure the woman is taken care of each time ensures they will come back another time’ was working!

[MF] cumming on a HOTWIFE’S face.

When I was working regularly in Cleveland I ended up with a regular Hotwife friend that would usually come visit me each time I was in town. I was her first experience as a hotwife (you can read about our first time here), and she enjoyed herself so much that she and hubby decided she would start to visit me solo.

With each visit she got more and more comfortable, and we built a fun, sexy friendship. She asked early on if I was ok if it was just about sex, that she come to my hotel and we start to undress each other almost immediately, and that she might leave soon after we were done. I told her I was here to fulfill her fantasies, and that I understood she’s busy, so she can do whatever she wants.

When we fucked, I was in control. She wasn’t an overly vocal lover, but would show her appreciation with a moan or a “yeah, right there”, or a “fuck ya” when I hit the right spot. And when we finished she would usually snuggle into my arm for a few minutes of pillow talk before saying goodbye.

[MF]. Hotel bar pick-up leads to a night of fun…

I travel a lot. There are bad things about it, but there are also great parts about it. Hotel bars usually play a large role in the great parts…

On this particular day I happened to be in Orlando Florida in the summer. Needless to say, the day had been hot. But if you know anything about Orlando at 6pm in the summer, there is a great chance it’s going to be raining. I’d left my room ready to go explore along Orange Ave and find somewhere for dinner, but when the elevator doors opened and I could see outside the hotel it looked like the heavens had opened up and rain was pouring down. Even for Orlando this was a lot of rain. Fuck.

Ok, so my choices were to wait out the rain or have dinner at the hotel bar. I looked to my left and noticed an attractive brunette woman around my age (I was 41 at the time) sitting at the bar. My choice was made.

[MFM] HOTWIFE ADVENTURE: a triple simultaneous orgasm for a first time hotwife

I was travelling to Cleveland regularly for work for year. Cleveland. In the winter. For 8-12 days at a time.

So yeah, not ideal.

I ended up, as horny men in the early 2010s did, on craigslist posting my naked body for all the ladies to see. Now, I should say, at this point I didn’t even know what Hotwives really were, and the ironic part is I’d already has two Hotwife experiences. I just thought they were swingers and I didn’t stress the details.

But it was a man that happened to reply to Cleveland ad. He mentioned that he wanted to share his wife, but they hadn’t done it before and were looking for someone to take it slow and warm her up. He said he was out of town but he knew she would like me physically, and that he would let her know about me and maybe her and I could text a little bit before he got back into town, and if that went well, maybe I could be her first man since getting married.

[MF] The tinder date that led to the man-sluttiest night of my life….

I travel a lot for work and when I do, tinder usually becomes a late-night distraction. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not one of these guys that gets a bunch of matches and is sleeping with countless women. But I’m cute and charming enough that if I’m in town for a few days, I’ll usually get a couple of matches, and sometimes one of them works out…

On this particular night, I was in a city I’d travelled to and happened to have a regular FWB there. But I’d matched with another woman, we seemed to be on the same page, we quickly made plans to go for a drink that evening.

A little about me before we go too far… at the time I was 42 years old, 6 foot tall, in decent shape but not like I have visible abs or anything. I’m just a nice looking guy, who some women find quite attractive, and some women think “yeah, not bad, but not my type.”