Eros fucks a high schooler.

Josh sped out of the classroom after grabbing the hall pass from his teacher. He was perplexed by why this was happening to him, now of all times. He had rubbed one out this morning, which usually satisfied the monster in his pants until he got home. But today he just couldn’t get his erection down.
Getting hard at school was not something out of the blue for him, Josh usually did a couple times. Tucking it behind the waistband of his boxer and forgetting about it always solved the problem, but today he did everything except getting on his knees and begging his boner to pipe down.
He eventually decided that this was useless and he needed to jack off at school. He asked the teacher if he could go to the bathroom and quickly got out avoiding the scarce looks that came his way. Getting to the bathroom and finding no one just as he expected as it was the middle of third period, he quickly located the cleanest stall and locked the door behind him.
This was when he realised he left his phone back at the locker and mentally cursed at his boner for making things so difficult. He cursed again at the thought of having to jerk off with his imagination. He pulled his pants down, his stiff cock bouncing out already throbbing and dripping pre cum. He was disgusted by how it behaved like a primal creature. He whipped out a tube of lube from the side pocket of his backpack and squeezed out a dollop. He slathered it on his cock making sure to get his shaft, head and the base nice and slippery. Breathing out deeply he got ready gripping his cock when an ethereal voice spoke out.
“stand ho what thou art doing!”
“Hello?” Josh called out thinking that someone in the bathroom had just spoken to him.
Getting no response, he convinced himself that he just hallucinated that someone else was there because he felt guilty about what he was doing. Gripping the cock again he started to stroke it up and down wanting to be done as soon as possible.
“I toldeth thee to stand ho!” the voice spoke out again.
Now sure that someone else outside was just messing with him he shouted, “who the fuck’s out there!”
His boner seemed to not go away any time soon unless he tended to it and remained there so as to tell him to get on with it. So he did, he grabbed his cock and started fucking his hand faster, moaning lightly out of pleasure.
This was when what looked like a portal spawned in the side of the bathroom stall and he nearly shit himself out of fear. Quickly regaining his bearings he got up and moved away from the slowly widening hole and before he ran outside he heard the voice again now as if it was in the stall next to him. He then spotted the pink lips that had appeared out of the portal.
“if ‘t be true i bid thee to stand ho, thee stand ho.” said the creature.
“What?” he asked partly in fear because he had not yet processed what was going on and partly because he didn’t understand the language the creature was speaking.
“oh thee don’t und’rstand me alloweth me tryeth again” it said and continued, “im Eros the god of carnal love and i’ve given you my ultimate gift”.
“What the fuck? Like from Greek mythology?” he asked, which surprised him too because that shouldn’t have been his response. He thought he’d be freaking out right now, but felt unnaturally calm whenever he heard that voice.
“Yes, exactly.” Eros acknowledged.
“What’s your ultimate gift?” he inquired further.
“That erection you have there. And the opportunity to satisfy the insatiable lust that I placed in you.” he said enthusiastically.
“This is because of you?!” he asked angrily. “Do you have any idea how much trouble this has caused me?”
“Yes, that’s why I made sure you can isolate yourself before I teleport.” he replied innocently.
“So fucking annoying. How do I get rid of it?” he asked, irritated.
“You just put it in my mouth, which is my ultimate gift.” he said as if that was painfully obvious. “The erection was just a means to get you alone.”
“Why did you choose me?”
“Because you deserve it the most and also you’d be indebted to me.” he said
“Well if you insist.” he said and walked forward and placed his cock on his lips.