Blackout on Graduation Night (m/f)

"Stand up and give yourselves a round of applause!" The Dean of my university said.

I couldn't believe college was over. My vision became blurry and drops of salt dripped into the corner of my mouth. I hated crying in public. I tried my best to hide the tears but it was impossible as I realized that this may be the last time I ever see my classmates and friends from the last 4 years.

As I started walking home from the ceremony, I checked my phone. There was a text.

"Em, I'm so proud of you!"

It was Will. Will and I met in a chemistry class my freshman year when we were assigned to be lab partners. Six foot four, athletic and by far the smartest student in our class, I was the luckiest girl. I wanted him. Bad. A long distance relationship with a girl from his hometown kept him away from me. Finally they broke up his junior year but he never made a move on me so I assumed he wasn't interested.