This happened just a couple of days ago.
I had stayed at work for longer than usual today, and I only left work at around 11 PM. Earlier today, I was feeling rather slutty, and wore a cropped tank top cinched at the stomach with a low-v and large sides without a bra, along with a denim skirt. TL;DR – very sideboob-y, nipple-y and cleavage-y. I ended up wearing a jacket in class and at work, because I’m a sensible slut and warmth is important to me.
As I was leaving, I felt a little naughty and walked on without my jacket. Usually I have to walk through the Back Bay Fens park, but since it was late and the park isn’t lit, I decided to walk around the park. There were a couple of benches on the corner of the park near a statue. As I was approaching this area, I saw this guy sitting there, just looking around. He was dressed pretty much like a thug or a punk or whatever you call those people, but by the size of him, he did not look like one. Somewhere in me, I heard my inner slut tell me, “You dress up like this for people to see. Walk slower so he can see!”, and I ended up slowing down my pace. I didn’t think fast enough for my safety as I did earlier when I decided to not walk through the park. So, I pretend to be scrolling through my phone as I walk past, and I hear a loud whistle. I turn quickly with wide-eyes, and the guy goes, “You got some nice tits baby!”.