My Favorite Rabbit [MMF]

My Favorite Rabbit – NSFW Story

No. I’m not talking about a vibrator. Although, those are nice too. 😉

If you’ve been reading through our previous posts, you may already know that we put up a lot of “guardrails” between myself and our guys. One of those is that I do not know their names.

Initially, they were supposed to only be nameless extensions of my Stag, but that became difficult when Stag and I were recalling a past session or talking about anything specific to one of the guys. I started calling them by the name of the city they live in. It worked, since they all live in different towns, but it was boring. I told Stag that I wanted to give them baby animal names, because much like baby animals, they are fun to play and cuddle with and I find them endearing.

So, I have written a little about specific encounters. Those encounters had to do with “Bambi” (which is a fitting name, since he was our first return Buck). But, now I want to tell you about “Bunny”.


Headspace Via Vixen NSFW

My husband and I have been talking about headspece. Where do I go? What am I thinking, during a session?

He described to me what he imagined one of our sessions to be like at the beginning. Blindfold on, so I’m in total darness. Rythmic music playing. I can smell the candles. I’m on my knees waiting for my husband and a complete stranger to come into the room .

So, there I am, on my knees, head down, breathing deeply and listening. I’m trying to clear any preconceived thoughts from my head and I focus on each long breath. In and out. The door knob squeaks a little and the door creaks open. I can hear the rustling of moving bodies and I know that I am no longer alone.

Categorized as Erotica

[MF] I Like it Rough

Rough Sex

Written by my husband u/ActualDom4HisWife
Posted with permission.

We had a short session yesterday. I was in the mood for some rough stuff. When it’s just us, I can be aggressive and not have to worry about freaking out our boyfriends.

It started out with us talking in bed. Just chatting. About the day, or most probably, this sub and the folks who joined. And then I give her a look and she knows. She sorta slowly sinks down into the bed, with just a little smile on her face. And I growl. Low and devourous. It’s not just the smile and the subtle, passive response. It’s the locked eyes. The knowing that something inevitable is about to happen. It’s starting.
Sometimes I give her that look in a store. She slaps my chest, laughs just a bit, and says, “staap Daddy!” And grins and bites her lip. She knows. Sometimes she sees it and immediately blushes, “oh shit. Ok. We got to go.” And starts pulling me to the door.

[MMF] Vixen’s POV

Vixen POV

I know my fellow perverts love to read my husband’s graphic tales of our adventures. So, I thought I would recap one of our play dates from my point of view.

As previously mentioned in other tales, I always meet our first-time guests in our living room, on my knees and fully blindfolded. But this was different. It was his second visit, and I was REALLY nervous. This would be the first time I would be wearing a lace mask and greeting our guest in a different way.

Dressed in black lingerie and a killer pair of stilettos, I was seated, with drink in hand, in my recliner as my husband goes to greet our friend. I’m worried about whether the lace mask will affect me. I mean, I already wear glasses and the light is very low in the room, so I know I won’t be able to make out any real details, but I will see more than I ever have before. I hear mumbling in the front room as my husband and our friend greet each other. Within seconds, my husband comes in to check on me, give me a kiss and tell me he loves me. Once he’s satisfied that I am OK and ready he leaves to retrieve our guest.