[F] I [F 41] gave my ass to my superior to save my position in the firm.

So this happened during the course when the firm had plans for expansion and to do so the top level management was looking for the options to raise money that is capital creation by issuing more shares or through debt financing. A lot of us, including me, weren’t in the favor of issuing more equity shares as that would dilute the position of our shares but we rather supported debt financing along with using the retained earnings as at that point of time the firm had the financial stability to repay the interests and eventually the principle as well.

But this board member was pushing the idea of issuing more equity shares as he wanted to grab more shares through rights issue while the other members weren’t’ at the time happy with this as none of us were in the position to expand our holdings. We tried to pursue him but he seemed to be adamant. At that time, I didn’t have enough ownership so issuing more shares would dilute my position more than anyone else and so I met him and discussed the issue with him.

[F] How I [F 41] got DP’d and closed a business deal.

I was entrusted with closing this deal with this firm. After tender, they had shortlisted two firms, us and lets call the other firm as firm A. After negotiations, we and firm A agreed to the same quote which was almost the same. But this firm was slightly inclined to the firm A only for the reason because their warehouse was near the port while ours were a bit inland. So it was up to me to hold a meeting with their reps and see where it goes.

The first meeting went off track from the beginning. Seemed like they had already made their mind to go with firm A and they came to this meeting only because they felt obliged to. Seeing that it wasn’t going where I wanted to, I asked them for one more round of meeting in person, with just us. That is me and these two representatives of the firm.

I booked a room in the nearby hotel and sent them the address and time. The next day, they both were on time. I wore a tight thigh high dress that showed off my ample cleavage. We started talking and it was the same story as the previous day. So I told them that I can do anything under my capacity to get this contact and went silent and kept looking at them. They got what my intention was.

[F] I [F 41] am a lady who have slept with her bosses to get ahead in her career.

I am happily married to my husband and got three kids. I love them to death and would do anything for them. But I am also an ambitious lady when it comes to career. I work in an MNC and have slept with multiple men to climb the corporate ladders. I have enjoyed putting my body on the line to get what I want. But once I go back home, I sometimes get on this guilt trip yet the very next day, I would be raring to go. The truth is, as much as I love the corporate success I get from this lifestyle, I also love the idea of being a slut and cheating on my husband– although this is something I’d never admit when I’m sexually sober.

[F] Living together has got me (F 22) and my room mate (F 31) do things to each other.

Living together and the overall situation around the world has triggered the curiosity in both my roommate and me. I am a college student while she is working. It all started off when we kissed each other on one night for fun. We made out with each other for a couple of times after that and our hands roamed around each others’ bodies. I am into her DD breasts and she is into my big ass. We would get naked in the bed and explore each other. I would play with her breasts and nipples while she loved to grab and smack my ass more often. This was soon followed by fingering each other. Once we both got really comfortable with all this, we started going down on each other. In addition she loves to eat my ass as well. We both have started going out and meeting men but would still have our share of fun back at our place and I won’t lie, I seem to enjoy it a lot and so does she.