Dogs are the greatest wingmen [MF]

My last post, albeit wordy, got some good feedback so I will post a more recent story and use pseudonyms.

Recently I got a puppy as I have always been an animal lover. I did not have ulterior motives in mind when rescuing her, but ill be damned if she wasn’t a chick magnet. Several walks I went on resulted in me getting a girls number or setting up a future “pup play date”. Nothing ever really panned out from
those connections, but she was definitely a good ice breaker.

One day when walking her around the apartment complex we bumped into another tenant walking her dog and we said hi and let them play together for a little bit. The girl, Allison, and I recognized each other because we both went to the apartment gym around the same time most days. Nothing happened that initial visit, but we did bump into eachother on walks more and more.

[MF] She was never supposed to come over

This is a long story as I tend to ramble. but the read is worth it.

A very good friend of mine was visiting me from out of state one Summer. He had recently moved away from our home town after highschool and college and was engaged to his highschool sweetheart.

I have a one bedroom apartment but told them they were more then welcome to stay with me as my couch is well big enough for me to sleep on and they could have my bed. I was happy to see my friends again, and we had a fun night planned of drinking and “reliving our highschool glory days”.

While I was excited to see them, I didn’t feel like being a third wheel the whole night. Unfortunately I had just gotten out of a relationship and was not talking to/seeing anyone, so I had no one to invite. My friend (being the good wingman he is) told his fiancé to invite her best friend, who they had seen earlier that day before meeting up with me, to come out with us.