You were in the stuffy university lab, helping your friends sister Ana with a university assignment she said she was stuck on. You were a fourth year computer science student and she was only first year so you figured you could finish it quickly and get home to your girlfriend. However, it was proving trickier than you’d thought. The assignment was about reading in large text files – you’d done this course a few years ago, but you don’t remember ever having to do something like this. The program was meant to read the file, scanning it on the screen quickly, and then the computer would comfirm the file was read correctly. But some strange error kept coming up about the file not matching correctly! And the program seemed to take so long to run. You sighed it and clicked the run button again, trying to figure out the problem. It was so hot in the lab, and Ana had brought her friend Margo who seemed to be wearing a ridiculous amount of perfume. Every breath you took seemed filled with it. Words flashed on the screen as the program ran.
program delta apple run SUBMIT program file five TO seven nine ANA’S tango alpha MILKY program BREASTS execute run 5 PERFUME bravo segment MAKES YOUR system command program BRAIN running TURN alpha program file OFF ssytem file execute 5
You frowned and stared closer with a vauge feeling that something wasn’t quite right with the input data. Your thinking was interrupted by Ana spinning around in her chair impatiently, her huge milky breasts presing up against her sweater. It would be heaven to just rip off her top and suc- You quickly caught yourself, wondering where the hell that came from. You hadn’t even noticed Ana’s body before now but suddenly couldn’t help but run your eyes up her juicy thighs that disappeared into a short schoolgirl skirt. Catching you staring she smiled and you looked away blushing.
Margo had walked up behind you and was leaning over your chair, looking at the screen. A wave of her perfume hit you, making your head spin a little. “It says Unknown Error again” she said. Damnit, you’d missed the problem again. You clicked rerun, getting more and more frustated.
program delta apple run MIND program file five MELTING seven nine AWAY tango alpha FLOATING program ON execute run 5 ANA’S bravo segment BREASTS system command program MARGO’S running HAND alpha MAKES file YOU system CREAM execute 5 file
Margo stood up next to you and strecthed, her cute butt strecthing her blue jeans out at the back. Too busy stealing glances at her rear, the program once again finishes running with an unkowen error. Annoyed, you decide that this is getting nowhere. You open up the source file in the hopes of finding the root of the problem. Confused, you start scrolling through. This doesn’t look like real test data at all. It seems almost erotic? Then you notice the header, brainwashing and submission routine #5.
You look over at Ana and she’s looking directly in your eyes, startling amber shining brightly in the center of your vision. “That’s it, feels so good to stare at me. Looking so deep for me and DROP”. Involuntarily your gaze lowers to her massive chest, seemingly bursting through her grey sweater. “Don’t think, just watch them sway back and forrtthhh” she slowly moved her breats up and down in a calming rythm. “You’re going to give me a baby tonight” and as she said that, alarm bells went off. Breaking your gaze free from her milk jugs you shakily get up and turn torwards the door, knowing that whatever was going on you should really get out of here. However, you’d forgotten about Margo. You saw a flash of bare skin as she finished taking off her panties and then her pussy was right there on display. This moment of lost compusure allowed her to deftly sidestep you and wrap her pink panties around your mouth. Immediately a wave of heavy perfume and musk went straight to your head, making you weak at the knees. “You’re not going anywhere” Margo whispered in your ear seductively. She was still a small girl however, and you grasped at the panties and ripped them away from your mouth. You could still make it to the door! Taking a desparte lunge, you broke free of Margo – and then Ana ripped her sweater off. Stunned, you watched as the braless first year swayed her boobs back and forth like a giant pendulum. Your captivated eyes watched the gigantic boobs as they swung, puffy nipples holding your focus as everything else seemed to blur. Words echoed in your mind “milky breasts take you away on a wave of bliss, kneel for milk breasts as they take you away, kneel as your dick gets hard”, too distracted to grasp it was Margo whispering in your ear.
You fell to your knees, feeling your mind growing heavy and your cock starting to strain against your underwear. The panties were replaced in front of your face, and you unconsciously took a nice deep breath. When they were removed again, your underwear were off and so was Ana’s skirt. She slid a finger over her dripping wet pussy and held it up to your face, licking it seductively. Without meaning to, you let out a small moan. “fuck fuck fuck FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK” the voice in your head whispered, as Ana reached out her slick hand and guided your cock into her pussy. A real moan slipped out now, as her tight cunt surrounded you. She began to move her hips up, down, up, down, squeezing and sliding with a steady rythm along your cock. You couldn’t take your eyes off her milky white boobs, jiggling with each skillful movement. You and your girlfriend had always used a condom, but raw felt so hot and exciting on your stiff cock.
Your girlfriend. You rememered her smiling face, and suddenly felt a jolt of fear. She was meant to have your child, not this girl you barely knew. You tensed your hips – you would pull out at the right moment, and their plans would be for nothing. It wouldn’t be long now as Ana’s tight pussy was squeezing in all the right places. Up and down, and up and down, building and soon you’d – Margo’s delicate white hand shot between your legs and squeezed your swollen balls as the words right as Ana pulled you deep inside her, looking deep in your eyes as she sweetly said “Cream for margo’s hand”. Your brain short circuted and you cum exploded from your expertly manipulated balls right into Ana’s waiting pussy. Stunned, you fell back and hit your head on the floor. The last thing you saw was Ana’s ass descending towards your face as Margo smirked, “Nighty night!”