[MF] [BDSM] [Mdom] Afternoon Teasing

Mia came home early, which was odd. It was a quiet day in the office apparently, and since it was a friday they’d all been let off. She told me all this with a slightly mischievous smile, but when I asked what was up, she just gave me an “Oh, nothing”, and then turned to stride into our bedroom. Whatever, I had work to do anyway.

Mia was just plain hot. Maybe I’m biased. She kept in good form, her muscles just about defined, but her real point of pride was her ass. Firm curves that while not incredibly large, were shapely enough to provide plenty of distraction squeezed into tight leggings. Her light blonde hair fell halfway down her back in faint curls, an adorable 5’2 body for an adorable girl.

I was happy enough to leave her to her own devices for a while until I could finish for the day, but she apparently had other ideas. She came to sit with me at the table, just casually flicking through her phone – until I felt her leg on mine, rubbing up my shins slowly. Neither of us acknowledged it, continuing to talk as normal, until she traced up above my knee and towards my crotch. Just as I was about to say something, she drew back and left again.

Gloryholeing with Friends [FMF]

It was only half past seven, and the planned girls night out had already fallen apart. Emily and Scarlett were the only ones not rushed away for some surprise work shift or family emergency, and the two women were left alone in a bar, drinking their cocktails slowly and looking rather bored.

Scarlett wore an appropriately red dress with a far less appropriate neckline, her short blonde hair curling in slightly around her chin. The tight dress stopped just above her knees, showing off her smooth pale legs. Emily wore a tight top that came up full around her neck but highlighted the bulge of her D-Cups, and tight black jeans into which she’d squeezed her ample ass. Her brown hair was left to flow down her back, her broad friendly face done up with eyeshadow. Scarlett had been admiring the outfit all night. She couldn’t help but feel a little bad, here her friend was, all dressed up to kill, and they’d been abandoned.

“Wanna go dance?” she asked halfheartedly.

“What’s the point?” Emily downed the rest of her cocktail. “Tonight’s a bust. Might as well just go drink at home.”

Horny Housemates Part IV [FF] [Mast]

Steph took a deep breath before she knocked on Martha’s door. It had been about twelve hours since she’d swallowed Jack’s cum under their kitchen table. Since she’d let her roommate fuck her throat.
Since Martha had seen her and she’d hit her head on the table. Her head *still* fucking hurt.

Jack had been nothing but sympathetic, which had made having sex with him difficult. Especially once he’d left to go meet some friends. She’d tried to mastubate since, but it was tough. She couldn’t get the image of Martha out of her head.
The poor girl hadn’t left her room since she’d seen them in the kitchen. Steph was getting worried. Jack had said to leave it, but she didn’t want things getting too awkward. Or risk driving the already shy girl even further into her shell. From the brief interactions they’d been able to have, she seemed nice.

Horny Housemates Part III [MF] [Oral]

Steph woke up with a terrible headache and fewer memories than she’d like. There had been a club. And a guy. And then… she didn’t know.
She was naked, but alone. Her clothes were in a mess at the end of the bed, but other than that it seemed undisturbed. There wouldn’t be any awkward trying to remember names.
*There wasn’t any fucking, either.*
Groaning to herself, Steph crawled out of bed and pulled on pyjama shorts and an old t-shirt, her stomach rumbling out for breakfast. Cautiously, she made her way downstairs, to find an abandoned kitchen. That suited her just fine. She needed coffee first. And water. A lot of water.

Horny Housemates Part II [MF] [Mast] [Exh] [Voy]

Jack’s first week in the new house was rather uneventful (besides Steph’s accidental exhibitionism on Sunday). Steph didn’t have any more ‘friends’ over, and since she was at home most evenings her and Jack ended up getting to know each other. She told him she was just starting in her third year of university, and he told her about his new job and how he didn’t really know anyone in the city. It was nice to have someone to talk to, and Steph was quite easygoing, if a little sloppy as a roommate.

The third person in the house arrived on Wednesday, which was about the only time they saw her. A small girl with short brown hair called Martha, she’d taken her bags up to the top and then mostly stayed in her room, occasionally coming down for meals or to slip out, never saying where. Jack tried to talk to her a few times, but never for very long – he got the impression she was quite shy, and not one for conversation. That was fine – he liked talking to Steph more than enough.

Horny Housemates Part I [MF] [Voy]

By the time he finally reached the house, Jack was pretty tired of carrying all his stuff around. He’d taken three heavy bags on two trains and a taxi, and was *really* starting to hope that he wouldn’t have to do much ‘moving in’ – he’d much rather just go to sleep until his arms stopped aching.
The house was one he’d found online, which he’d be sharing with four strangers, apparently. It wasn’t Jack’s ideal living situation, but he was just out of uni and starting his first job, so it was going to have to do. Besides, it didn’t look too bad – for a fairly modern, three storey house just outside the city centre, it was a bargain!

The doorbell played a vaguely familiar tune, followed by a few long seconds of silence. Jack sighed, setting down some of his bags, and pressed again, the same tune ringing out to no answer. The email had said there would be someone there already, but maybe he’d missed something…
Just as he started fishing in his pockets for his phone, the door opened to show a girl with long, dirty blonde hair slouching in the hallway. She was wearing tight grey leggings that hugged muscular thick thighs, and an equally flattering black tank top, with just enough cleavage to hold Jack’s gaze for an awkward second. She looked bored more than anything, but on seeing him, she stood up a bit and smiled.
“Hi! You must be one of my new roommates! My name’s Steph.”
Jack reached out a hand to shake. Her grip was surprisingly firm.
“Jack. Nice to meet you.”