How Not to Meet a Man on Reddit….[F22/M42]

If you asked me now how it started, I would lie to you. I’ve lied to everyone that has ever asked. I see the sidelong glances when we are out in public. I see them trying to indiscreetly guess if I’m his daughter. This is how it really happened, if curiosity should take hold of you. It all began with a Reddit post.

After eight years of supporting myself entirely on my own, the foundation that I had built was crumbling. The last straw was having my garage emptied out and most of my belongings stolen. Among them, a checkbook that was linked to my current bank account. My rent check bounced, and my landlord threatened to evict me after kindly suggesting that I ask my parents for money. Of course he didn’t know that they were the reason that I had to work the three jobs that it took to keep myself afloat. I took to Reddit. I poured my heart into a post about what was happening, too embarrassed to tell anyone that actually knew me.