[MF] Birthday Fun

To start off I have never thought of myself as this type of guy. This is what happened at my last years B-day party. To start off I’ve been married for the better part of 2 decades. During that time, both my wife and I have, at times, had an open relationship. That being said this was not one of those times.

So my step daughter Kris, 29 wanted to take me out for my birthday to have a nice dinner and some drinks with her friends. My Wife was a little under the weather that night so she decided to stay home. So Saturday night rolls around and I meet Kris at her place around 5:30 Pm. As I walk in the door, the layout of the house is such that the front door faces the stairs which leads right up to the bathroom. As I open the door and announce my presence I hear and see my daughters cheeks as she sprints around the corner. Kris is 5’7 135 lbs toned and a perky rack. I decide to head to the kitchen to have a beer, while saying something like thanks for view. (Not the first time I’ve seen her) but I’ve never been “trying” to see her either. She is a Tequila girl so I pour us some shots and I crack a chaser for my self and she bounds downstairs. She is dressed in PJ’s with a loose tank top on, as she rounds the corner to the kitchen she cups her chest with her arm as she could easily pop out of this shirt. She kisses my check which is normal and says something like well happy B-day hope you enjoyed the view. We both laugh and take our shots, and she runs back up stairs to finish getting ready for our dinner reservations with a few of her friends, who I’ve met a few times.