[MMF] The Prelude to Our First Serious Adventure

[Based on actual events]
I was waking up when I heard the front door unlocking. It was my wife coming back from a night out with her coworkers. They had this tradition of going out almost every Friday, so it was normal for her to come back in the morning, half-drunk, half horny, and jump on me into bed.
She came into the bedroom and slowly took her dress off, cunningly smiling at me. I saw her summer dress sliding gently down her pale smooth skin. The sun was rising, and it shined through the window on her right, making the whole scene perfectly lid. She didn’t have any bra, which was typical for that dress. However, the more peculiar thing was she didn’t have any panties. And I could see her completely naked body and shaved pussy shaded with proper light. My mouth suddenly filled with saliva. “Why don’t you wear panties?” I asked playfully. She looked at me, and without saying a word, she signaled me to come next to her.
I stood up from the bed and went next to the wardrobe against her facing mirror. I put my hand around her waist and started caressing her. The feeling, as always, was incredible; my hand was sliding up and down her silky smooth skin. My other hand withdrew from her hip and went up to her left breast, where it playfully started pinching her bulging nipple. I could sense her excitement. Her nipples are what I like to call shy nipples. They bulge only when she’s very aroused. That’s one of the many things I love about her body. I buried my nose in her neck and inhaled deeply to smell her skin, which always smelled like a bouquet of spring flowers.
At this moment, I heard her voice quietly telling me, “Put your finger on my butthole.” My right hand slid through her back, passed through the middle of her hips, and headed towards her butt. My index finger touched her butt, and I noticed something unusual. Her butthole was smushy and wet and not tight as usual. “Well, that’s strange.” I thought. My finger continued gently into her, but it entered with almost no resistance. She moaned and told me, “I gave my panties as a present to the guy who filled me with cum and fucked me for the past 2 hours. I think we finally found him, Patrik”.
A couple of months have passed since the last, and the first time we had a threesome with somebody, it didn’t go as planned. However, we were confident that we should continue searching for another person, a man or a woman. We both wanted to start with another man and see where this road would take us. We charted many requirements with which I won’t bother you for now.
When I felt my wife’s freshly fucked asshole, I got an enormous erection. I took my dick out. I grabbed her for the hair and pushed my dick to the end in her ass. “It was a perfect night!” she said while moaning. I continued fucking her, slowly with the rhythm she talked. “He couldn’t take his eyes off me the whole night. Finally, I approached him and asked him if he wanted to have a much funnier night. I didn’t have to wait long for his decision. He took me at their place, undressed me, took my panties off, and…” she already couldn’t speak whole sentences out of pleasure. I stopped and asked, “Aaaand?”, slightly smiling. “He put my panties in my mouth, pushed me on the kitchen table, on my back, and fucked me so hard in the ass that I came… three times. He came in my ass. It was animalistic, no talking, just pure animal fucking. I put my dress back and… Oh! Push me to the wall”.
I grabbed her for the hair and walked towards the wall with my dick still in her and pushed her hard. She continued, “I put my dress back on, took my panties, gave them in his hand, and told him he could keep them! After that, I took an Uber, and here I am”. I vigorously started fucking her again until she came. She kneeled and let me finish over her, slowly sucking off the last drops of cum left on my dick. “I hope some of this is his,” she added.
After the morning shower we took, I told her, “I have an idea! Let’s Skype with this guy… tonight!”
This was the day we found our first long-term sexual partner amongst many more males, females, and other creatures.

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[MMF] There’s a first time for everything

[Based on Real Events]
“Would you mind if I kiss him?” it was loud in the club, and I barely heard what my wife, Zoe, asked me. It took me a second to realize what she was talking about. We were with a group of friends in this place, and she was talking to one of our friends, Zack. Then it hit me. She wanted to kiss Zack.
This event happened five years ago. It was completely random and unexpected for both of us. Until then, we both have been pretty vanilla for sex. However, I think when Zoe kissed that guy, we both woke up a beast sleeping deeply in our minds and souls. We started a journey that gradually escalated beyond the more significant part of our modern society’s moral boundaries. We started with standard threesomes, passed through orgies, gangbangs, interracial sex, living with multiple partners, drugs, mild bestiality, incest, and maybe many more things I cannot think of now. I often joke that if you open the categories tab in PornHub, we are all over the place. It was, it still is, a constant whirlpool of decadent sexual ideas, which we discuss in detail and then execute. At one point in time, we started to understand what we do. We were doing art! All of our sexual experiences draw a scene from a painting in our heads. In the beginning, we were going with the flow, but once we gained knowledge and understood what we wanted, it became art. It became a place for us to escape from reality and hide under the soft, sweet curtain of perversion. We did it first cautiously and with the fear that it might break us and then confidently and with the clear understanding that we are in this together. I will carefully describe to you, my readers, the experiences and the emotional states my wife and I passed through during those years. I firmly believe this kind of adventure forges your relationship and transform you into a super couple. This couple cannot be surprised unexpectedly by any ups and downs in a relationship.
But first things first. Let’s get back to the club. “Would you mind if I kiss Zack?” Zoe asked me insistently once again. “Yeah, sure, go ahead!” I’ve always been an open-minded guy and never experienced jealousy or what-so-ever toward my spouse. I think she didn’t wait for me to finish the sentence. Instead, she directly went to him and kissed him deeply and passionately. I was on the other side of the table and watched them curiously. At that moment, I experienced a massive wave of creativity. Scenes started appearing in my head. I immediately walked to them and told them, “Do you guys want to get out of here and continue this, whatever it is, back home?”. No words were necessary. We paid our bill and walked towards a taxi. I sat in front and left the two birds behind to make up as much as they wanted. I didn’t turn around for a moment. I was talking to the taxi driver. Once we arrived, I paid for the taxi and said to the driver, “We will fuck her brains out,” I winked at him and left. Little did I know I would say the exact same sentence a couple of years later, but this time my wife was going to invite the taxi driver to watch, and he would come. But that story is for another chapter.
So we came up into our apartment. That was our first home back then, and we loved the place. We had a big sofa in the living room and an armchair across the couch. So Zack and I poured a whiskey and sat on the sofa, and my wife told us, “I’m going to take a shower, and I’m coming.”

[FF] The Day my Head Exploded

“Play it again,” I told myself, holding my phone in my shaking hand. “But I’m at the office. So somebody might see me.”. My pulse was high; I barely breathed, and my hands were cold. It felt like I was going to die from euphoria. It was and will probably stay the most significant and exciting moment of my life. The office space around me was full of people mumbling. Everyone was busy with their daily work. When I received the short clip, the time around me froze, the noise stopped, and it seemed like everybody wanted to look at my phone screen. I quickly pressed the play button, and then after 2-3 seconds, I immediately closed the player. “Play it again,” the voice in my head said again insistently. I turned my chair, so my back could face the wall, and nobody could see my phone. Triple checked if my sound was off cause I knew what I would hear. I unlocked my screen and opened the message from my wife once again. It had the title “We started without you… see you at home; I won’t be alone. :wink: “. I pressed the play button. My mind exploded, saying, “Whaaaaaaat? Is this happening?”.
My wife has placed her phone on the tripod next to our bed and against our wardrobe with mirrors. So I could see both our bed and its reflection in the mirror. I first saw a beautiful female body kneeling at the edge of the bed with her ass facing the mirror. I immediately recognized my wife’s magnificent butt. My gaze slid up toward my wife’s body, at least the part I could see, as her head was between a pair of beautiful female legs. The feet of the other girl, with bloody red nail polish, were gently sliding up and down on the sides of my wife’s ass. They were softly trembling out of pleasure. Even without being there, I felt a strong emotion, the scents and the air in the room. Even without sound, I heard the gentle moaning of the other girl and felt what her feet felt when they slid on my wife’s smooth, pale skin. It was a magnificent view. And then, my wife stood up, sat on the bed with her back to the girl, and faced the mirror. The girl stood up and wrapped her legs around my wife’s waist. Then her arms around her chest. She kissed my wife on the neck and cheek, turned her face to the mirror, and smiled. They both started laughing. I knew that girl. I knew her very well, mainly because she was one of my sisters-in-law. She was my wife’s 23 years old sister.
At this point, you might want to know what happened next? The story of how we got up to this point started three years before this event and continues today. So please bear with me and jump and enjoy our curious adventures through the years.