A Benevolent Goddess [MF 26+] [supernatural] [curiosity]

It was the dead of night. Silence was spread throughout the lands of Ora, shrouded in silver slivers of moonlight. Arkos, a young man with copper hair, was tossing and turning in his bed, his bare body only covered with a thin sheet of linen. For a while now, he’d been having nonsensical dreams of white doves and feathers. He awoke, dazed, with the feeling he wasn’t alone. His room was dark and quiet, and the sounds of the wind in the trees at night were pacifying. He sat up in his bed with slumped shoulders and looked around, his eyes feeling heavy from how tired he was. There was nothing to be seen. Nothing, except a small white bird in his open window. Arkos paused. He looked at the bird, and the bird looked back with its round black eyes. This went on for a short moment, then Arkos blinked, and the dove was gone. Instead, there was a human silhouette sitting on his window sill. Arkos felt his lips part and flexed his fingers. He didn’t feel fear or apprehension. Just a deep sense of confusion over this unusual situation. It felt oddly peaceful, as if he were still in a dream, and maybe he was. Nothing else would explain the sudden appearance of another person in his room. The figure was unmoving, shrouded in shadow, and Arkos’ eyes hadn’t fully adjusted to the darkness, but she looked feminine, with long legs and wide hips.
Arkos didn’t know what to do. He sat and stared, and then the woman moved. She stood up from her sitting position and slowly approached him, the sound of her bare feet on the flooring the only noise in the room, save for Arkos’ breathing.
A beam of moonlight hit the figure for a second. What struck him first was the halo floating above her head, made out of gold and silver metal, and clear proof the laws of nature didn’t adhere to this mysterious figure. Then, Arkos could make out light skin, a body bare as his own, and a head of dark hair that reflected the light in an odd way, splitting it into facettes of blue, violet and pink. Her eyes escaped him, and she was back in darkness, now stopped at the foot of his bed. Still, Arkos stared, frozen in place, absolutely mesmerized. His pupils were wide, catching the sparse lighting. He could make out parts of her face now: large eyes with long lashes, a straight and slim nose, pink lips, soft and full, and an expression of deep curiosity, yet she seemed torn, as if something was beckoning her back outside.
Arkos finally found his voice.
“Who are you?” He asked, a whisper in the night. The woman tilted her head, with no response. Pulling his gaze from her face, Arkos’ eyes strayed. Something was on her shoulders, he noticed. It looked like small white feathers that caught the moonlight and looked aglow. They were on her hips as well, and straying from her shoulders down to her breasts that were not large, but not small, with perky nipples that stood out dark on her light skin.
“What in Cor’s name…” Arkos whispered. He’d never seen feathers on a human.
She looked feminine, but different than any other woman. So divine, striking, unreal. Inviting, compelling, approachable and intensely curious. Her dainty hands ghosted over the wooden bedframe, and then she rounded the bed, inching closer to the end where he was seated. He didn’t move. Any other person in his room would have elicited a defensive response, but not her. Her presence was utterly harmless, the thought she could be dangerous not even occurring in Arkos’ mind.
She stood close to him now, right where he was seated on his bed. He could see her irises. They were of a deep sapphire with the same glints of bright color like her hair. Arkos realized she could not be human, and he felt reminded of the depictions of their Gods, but it was impossible one of the Goddesses would come to their world. They never showed themselves, if they existed at all, and surely a Goddess wouldn’t appear before him of all people.
Yet, she stood there, having appeared out of thin air moments ago. Her eyes roamed over him, lingering on his hair, eyes, hands, and the sheet that covered his lower body and legs.
Arkos was intrigued when she leaned down to him and raised her right hand, hesitantly reaching out. Arkos neither moved away nor toward her, and when her fingertips made contact with his cheek, he was surprised at how normal it felt. Her fingers were cool at first, warming up against his skin, as if she was mimicking his body temperature. Her eyes went wide and caught the light in the room. Her lips were parted slightly.
When he didn’t stop her from touching him, she dared further. Her palm was against his cheek now, fingers following the line of his cheekbone. She looked elated, a smile on her face.
Arkos felt warmth. In his chest and heart, in his limbs and his core, his very soul, it seemed. She was like a spirit lost in a strange world, her presence so soothing Arkos swore he’d never pick up a weapon again. He decided, then, that she had to be one of the Gods. It was an absurd possibility, yet the most likely, and the only explanation he could come up with for her behavior.
She didn’t look like any depiction of the deities he’d seen, and Arkos was sure it would be impossible to capture her indescribable presence in any medium. Even his mind was unable to really process it.
The Goddess sank on his bed now, her other hand finding his hair and gently running through the copper tresses. Especially the rings and beads woven into the braids wrapping around the right side of his head seemed to intrigue her. Arkos’ eyes shut. He didn’t understand what was happening. He didn’t let other people touch him freely, usually, but this was nice. He found he enjoyed her touch greatly and leaned into her palm with a sigh. The Goddess halted all movements upon that sound, and a moment later, he heard her imitate it. He got the first taste of her voice then, ethereal and soft like the breath of air on his skin when she exhaled. Arkos looked at her, utterly awestruck. The Goddess seemed unaware of his emotions and continued her investigation. One of her fingers followed the arch of his nose, another stroked along the flow of his jaw, and then down his neck to the dip between his clavicles. Her left hand went to his shoulder, and then she suddenly leaned in close. Her face was just inches from the skin of his arm, her fingers running over one spot again and again. Arkos had no idea what it was that captivated her attention about this particular spot, so he raised his arm to look. There was a fine scar there, lighter and raised from the rest of his tan skin, probably caused by the bite of a sharp blade. Arkos understood. Her skin was entirely free of blemishes. No scars, no freckles, no nothing. Just the downy feathers in some places of her body.
The Goddess seemed saddened he had pulled his arm away from her, and even to his own surprise, he offered it to her again. She smiled and wrapped her hands around it to observe the scar once more. Arkos marveled at her, and suddenly felt compelled to copy her behavior. He slowly raised his other arm that wasn’t under her investigation and placed his palm on her shoulders where some of the feathers were. At first it struck him how warm she was, then the unmatched softness of the feathers and the skin beneath. It was unlike anything he’d ever touched, so immaculate and perfect.
The Goddess smiled again. Arkos wondered if she enjoyed the physical contact as much as he did. She looked pleased, but what did he know of the way of the Gods? His next focal point was the metal ring floating above her head. It looked like it was made of metal, but it didn’t look like gold, silver, steel or copper, which were the only metals he knew. The Goddess seemed humored by his interest and bowed her head so he had better access to the cool metal. It moved when he touched it, but returned to its position above her head after. Arkos’ mouth hung open in awe, then the Goddess pulled back and slid closer to him. Her hands were still on his arm, but she now paid her attention to his upper body. She touched his chest and tested the firmness of the musculature there and on his abdomen, carved by his daily exercise and striving to master the ways of fighting.
Arkos had shared his bed before, but none of his experiences came close to what he felt now. The intimacy of this situation was unmatched, raw and visceral in a heartstopping way. It was this realization that introduced a new spark to Arkos’ feelings of comfort, peace, and curiosity. It was lust, he understood, pulsating in his being, but not in the exciting, at times annoyingly buzzing way he knew it as. It went deeper than that. Dark in a way, the most primal feeling he knew, but at the same time a complex mixture of yearning and vulnerability.
His body reacted to the Goddess’ touches in a way that instilled shame in him. While he shivered and felt the pressing arousal between his legs, she still seemed harmlessly clueless with her large searching eyes investigating his body. She was an immaculate being above all worldly worries, and he felt he was soiling her pristine presence with his mortal urges.
The Goddess noticed his changed behavior and observed his face with another tilt of her head, asking shameless questions without saying a word. Arkos avoided her gaze and shifted uncomfortably, knowing his thin linen sheet wasn’t any use in disguising his erection. It was the worst thing he could’ve done, because since she didn’t get answers from him, her eyes strayed in search for the knowledge she desired. She quickly saw what had changed, and judging from her expression, she knew exactly what it meant. Of course she knew. As a Goddess she was all-knowing, right?
Arkos felt his face grow hot as it flushed with blood and damned his involuntary bodily functions. The Goddess knelt on his bed now, and to his horror dragged away the sheet which was the only thing preserving his decency.
“You… I…” he stammered and bit his lower lip. She paid him no mind, instead regarding his unveiled sex. She didn’t seem offended or flustered, which Arkos hesitantly decided was a good thing, albeit he didn’t exactly feel the most comfortable with her staring at his cock so intently. It got worse when she leaned in to get an even better look. With her back arched now, Arkos’ attention was drawn to her form. The curve of her back flowing into the round of her ass and her flawless thighs. She didn’t feel shame over her bareness, and there was not the slightest reason she should. Arkos had never laid eyes on a more divine body, and it fired his passion into uncomfortable heights. He gulped heavily and resisted the urge to reach out and touch all her shapes. She had no such opposition, and just as simply as she had touched the rest of him, she pressed her palm against his hard member.
“Ah!” Arkos ejected in surprise, “T-That’s-”
The words died in his throat when her head turned to him. The look out of her surreal eyes entirely robbed him of his ability to make sense of his thoughts. She moved her hand along the shaft of his dick and he let out a long breath, sinking against the headrest of his bed. He was powerless against the sensation, and the apprehensive tension in his body faded. Her hand was so soft and warm, it was heavenly how effortlessly she could make him melt into her touch.
The Goddess seemed very intrigued upon those new responses of his, repeating the motion which rewarded her with another sigh from him. Eager now, her fingers wrapped around him. Arkos took a shaky breath and his eyes fell shut, any reasoning escaping him. This entire situation was too absurd. He felt himself getting lost in the pleasing sensation of her touch and pushed his pelvis upwards, desperate for more. The Goddess seemed to understand, because she started pumping his cock slowly. Arkos’ pleasure reached new heights, already he was trembling and his hands were wandering aimlessly over the sheets and his body.
“Gods,” he groaned, voice strained and opened his eyes, his resistance finally breaking, and he hungrily reached out to the Goddess, stroking her skin and cupping one of her breasts. It was soft, like the rest of her, and fit into his hand perfectly. She let him continue exploring her body, leaning into his touch, even, but not halting the movement of her hand around his cock. Arkos moaned out and squeezed her breast. There was another sound from her, voice angelic and harmonious. Already, Arkos’ breathing was erratic, his body trembling uncontrollably. So close was he to his peak, but he didn’t want this to end yet, didn’t want to stop feeling the Goddess’ touch, ever. Appropriately, his despair was intense when her hand left his dick.
“No,” he whined before he could stop himself, “please.”
The Goddess looked at him with a soothing smile and shifted, turning her upper body to him and swinging one of her legs over him so that she straddled his lap. His painfully throbbing cock was pressed against the lips of her sex. It was unsettling, Arkos mused, how closely she resembled a human, yet was so fundamentally different. Still her stare was unwavering as she recorded every one of his reactions to her actions. Arkos wondered what inspired her to approach him in such a way. There should be no reason for a Goddess to take prolonged interest in a mere man, after all.
But interested she was, her curiosity insatiable. She raised herself over his thighs, her pelvis now hovering above his. One of her hands was on his chest, supporting her body as she leaned forwards, and Arkos noticed she seemed too light for a woman of her stature, but the thought was torn from his brain when her other hand wrapped around his dick yet again, this time to align it with her entrance. She lowered herself onto him, the head of his member parting her lips, then he slid into her without resistance in a singular, languid stroke.
Arkos’ eyes went wide and he forgot to breathe, so intense was the feeling. In every sense of the word, the Goddess was perfect, as if his cock was meant to fit into her, or she around it. It was exhilarating, world-bending, mind-breaking. When she began to move slowly, his hand wrapped around her wrist that was on his chest, holding it tightly. She accepted his antics and intertwined her fingers with his, continuing her steady movements with a consistent increase in pace.
Arkos had never heard himself make noises as he did now. The sensation of her soft insides around him forced low moans out of his throat, and groans and curses. And he could hear her, too, her voice sweet like the chime of windbells, clear as birdsong, gentle like the summer breeze. And seeing her was another matter straining his limits. Watching her body rise and fall on top of him, curves moving, ultramarine eyes half-closed and heavy-lidded, and her plump lips parted combined with the saccharine sounds of her voice aroused him beyond belief. He didn’t know if she actually felt pleasure like he did, or if she convincingly imitated the human’s behavior. He wanted it to be real. He hoped it was, but his mind was far too clouded to be occupied with any sensible matters at the time.
She was moving quickly now, with every stroke she almost withdrew his cock from her entirely, only to then have it breach her again, and with every stroke, Arkos thought he would break, but he held on as long as he could, writhing and panting and convulsing. He didn’t know what came over him, but he tugged on the Goddess’ arm, pulling her into his chest and wrapping his arms around her torso tightly. His fingers dug into her shoulders, and he hoped burying his nails in her skin would not evoke her godly wrath. He was unable to help himself. He lost control and fell victim to his desire. Holding her body tightly atop him, he thrusted into her time and time again intensely, his breath coming in ever shorter bursts. He could feel her breasts press against him, her breath hitting his neck with every moan she let out.
“Oh Gods,” he sighed as he buried himself into her to the hilt. The churning tension in his core grew to a critical point, became too much to handle and overwhelmed him with a climax unlike any he’s felt before. He cried out, raw and visceral. The violent relief of his orgasm made his voice crack, and he felt the sting of tears in his eyes as he spilled his seed into the Goddess. His body shook and his cock pumped into her, while she laid on his chest, silently nestling her head into the crook of his neck. Arkos still held onto her tightly while he felt like it took him ages to come down from his high, and she waited. Arkos breathed and stared at the ceiling, his head void of thoughts, overrun by the shock of his intense climax. The Goddess ran her hand over his chest and nudged him with her head. Arkos was unable to react. He suddenly felt as if an intense weight was attached to his back, binding him to his bedding, and he knew he was unable to move. The tiredness washed through him like a tidal wave, and he could not resist its pull. He had a feeling this, too, had to do with the presence of the Goddess. His thoughts quieted, eyes falling shut, his conscience fading away into a deep, deep slumber.
The following morning, Arkos rose with the dawn, as usual, the sun showing the first of its golden rays to a world still asleep. He was alone, and sat on the edge of his bed, contemplating the events of last night.
“What an odd dream,” he mused to himself and stared at the floorboards. As tangible as it had felt, there was no way that absurd situation was based in reality. Looking around, he could find no evidence of any Goddess’ presence in his room which looked so different now with the morning light illuminating it. He shook his head and forced himself on his feet, finding clothes to dress himself to go about his day. He left his room without having noticed the small, downy feather resting on his pillow.

nympho/maniac [MM 25+] [d/s] [hatefuck]

Gabriel stared at the collar in his hand. It was beautiful. Black with fine gold lines and a large ring in the front. It was late, and the lighting in the room was dim, yet the gold accents glinted wonderfully. The color and material matched those of his prosthetic hand perfectly. Just looking at it sent his mind reeling with ideas of what he could do with it. The thing had arrived just a couple days ago from the artist he commissioned to make it, but it was far too late. The collar wasn’t made for Gabe himself. He’d wanted to give it to someone else. Someone long gone now.
Gabe sighed deeply and put it next to him on his bed. Such a shame he’d never get to use it like he’d thought. Then again, a thought occurred to him, did it have to go to waste?
Gabe’s curiosity was piqued, now. He got up from his sitting position and turned towards his large mirror that reflected an image of his whole body back at him. He picked up the collar and held it up to his own neck, and his eyes widened slightly. That wasn’t the way he usually saw himself, and the association with submission was foreign to him, but to his surprise, he liked it. Not just that, looking at himself, topless, with the broad collar around his neck, excited him more than it should have. Furthermore, it made him aware just how long it’s been since the last time he shared his bed with someone. Gabe exhaled and stared into his own reflected eyes that shimmered back. He knew he was onto something, and he wanted to investigate just what that was. With that in mind, he closed the collar around his neck and rightened it so the ring was in the front.
Gleeful, he bounded about in his bedroom, picking out one of his many pristine white button-ups that would surely contrast his new accessory wonderfully. He left the two highest buttons of the shirt open and combined it with simple but smart black fabric pants. Black leather shoes and a beige trenchcoat completed the look. Gabe had always had expensive taste. His outfit didn’t look like it, but it was worth several thousand pounds. He loved spending money to look his best. Always immaculate. He could afford it, after all, and he wanted to show off, always.
He left his room and paid his brother in the living room a short visit.
“I’m going out,” Gabe announced.
Valerian, pausing the movie he was watching and looking up at his older brother, choked on his spit.
“Like that?” He coughed, staring at the collar around Gabe’s neck, disturbed.
“Yes, like that. Got a problem?” He challenged.
“No,” Vale was quick to say and looked back at the TV, “not at all. You do you, freedom to all. You coming back tonight?”
“We’ll see,” Gabe shrugged, “Ideally not, no.”
“Good, umm, great. Have fun, I guess?” Vale cringed and shifted around on the couch.
“Thanks,” Gabe chuckled and left the room, pulling the door shut. In the hallway now, he grabbed his keys and headed out. He wanted to visit one of his favorite establishments in downtown London, an odd fusion of bar and club in Soho, frequented by all sorts of queer folks and adventurous people. Whenever he went to the Village, there was no telling how the night would go. He’d had myriads of interesting stories to tell about it, most of them involving copious amounts of alcohol or other substances, and interesting sexual encounters, of course. Gabe had a feeling tonight would extend that list perfectly.
Down in the garage of his apartment complex, he got into his car; a bright green Porsche 911 Carrera Turbo S, and looked at himself in the rearview mirror.
What a sight, he mused, a handsome young man with a collar in a hundred grand car. He couldn’t imagine many things that were more alluring.

nympho/maniac [MM 25+] [d/s] [hatefuck]

Gabriel stared at the collar in his hand. It was beautiful. Black with fine gold lines and a large ring in the front. It was late, and the lighting in the room was dim, yet the gold accents glinted wonderfully. The color and material matched those of his prosthetic hand perfectly. Just looking at it sent his mind reeling with ideas of what he could do with it. The thing had arrived just a couple days ago from the artist he commissioned to make it, but it was far too late. The collar wasn’t made for Gabe himself. He’d wanted to give it to someone else. Someone long gone now.
Gabe sighed deeply and put it next to him on his bed. Such a shame he’d never get to use it like he’d thought. Then again, a thought occurred to him, did it have to go to waste?
Gabe’s curiosity was piqued, now. He got up from his sitting position and turned towards his large mirror that reflected an image of his whole body back at him. He picked up the collar and held it up to his own neck, and his eyes widened slightly. That wasn’t the way he usually saw himself, and the association with submission was foreign to him, but to his surprise, he liked it. Not just that, looking at himself, topless, with the broad collar around his neck, excited him more than it should have. Furthermore, it made him aware just how long it’s been since the last time he shared his bed with someone. Gabe exhaled and stared into his own reflected eyes that shimmered back. He knew he was onto something, and he wanted to investigate just what that was. With that in mind, he closed the collar around his neck and rightened it so the ring was in the front.
Gleeful, he bounded about in his bedroom, picking out one of his many pristine white button-ups that would surely contrast his new accessory wonderfully. He left the two highest buttons of the shirt open and combined it with simple but smart black fabric pants. Black leather shoes and a beige trenchcoat completed the look. Gabe had always had expensive taste. His outfit didn’t look like it, but it was worth several thousand pounds. He loved spending money to look his best. Always immaculate. He could afford it, after all, and he wanted to show off, always.
He left his room and paid his brother in the living room a short visit.
“I’m going out,” Gabe announced.
Valerian, pausing the movie he was watching and looking up at his older brother, choked on his spit.
“Like that?” He coughed, staring at the collar around Gabe’s neck, disturbed.
“Yes, like that. Got a problem?” He challenged.
“No,” Vale was quick to say and looked back at the TV, “not at all. You do you, freedom to all. You coming back tonight?”
“We’ll see,” Gabe shrugged, “Ideally not, no.”
“Good, umm, great. Have fun, I guess?” Vale cringed and shifted around on the couch.
“Thanks,” Gabe chuckled and left the room, pulling the door shut. In the hallway now, he grabbed his keys and headed out. He wanted to visit one of his favorite establishments in downtown London, an odd fusion of bar and club in Soho, frequented by all sorts of queer folks and adventurous people. Whenever he went to the Village, there was no telling how the night would go. He’d had myriads of interesting stories to tell about it, most of them involving copious amounts of alcohol or other substances, and interesting sexual encounters, of course. Gabe had a feeling tonight would extend that list perfectly.
Down in the garage of his apartment complex, he got into his car; a bright green Porsche 911 Carrera Turbo S, and looked at himself in the rearview mirror.
What a sight, he mused, a handsome young man with a collar in a hundred grand car. He couldn’t imagine many things that were more alluring.