The Week of Lust and Love (Night 1) (Romantic) (Long read) (FM 22)

Disclaimer: This is me remembering one of the best weeks of my life with my love. Yes, it will be sappy and lovey dovey, can’t help it, I am head over heels in love with this girl. So if this doesn’t tickle your fancy, then I can’t do much about it. But if it does, hope you like it and can relate to what I feel. If you just want to get to the good stuff just scroll down to the xxxx. Happy reading!

The elevators door open to the 3rd floor and I step out to find her waiting at the door for me. Let’s call her J. I call her the love of my life but that can be quite a mouthful. J is standing there at the door with lust in her eyes and I can see her, naked beneath the sheer robe that she has put on. My tiredness from work, travel and life evaporates into thin air as my eyes meet hers and I step closer to her, plant a quick yet deep kiss on her lips and I rush to the bedroom. I walk swiftly, careful not to cause any noise to alert her grandmother in the other room. Her grandmother is hard of hearing but can’t take that risk.