My first time on cam – 36 [MF]

So long story short I have a friend who has been doing some online stuff on and off during the pandemic. She has a good job and doesn’t need the money, but enjoys the thrill. We’ve known each other since our freshman year of college and have always been open with each other, but never done anything together. The most I’d even seen of her was what she looked like in a bikini on a few trips we took with friends.

Anyway, she had been telling me about what she was doing and told me that she really wanted to try doing a show with a guy and asked if I would be interested. She thought it might help her stand out if she advertised it as our “first time together.” I initially said no twice in all honesty, but I couldn’t shake the idea of how exciting it probably would be to have sex while people watched and talked about it. Oh and paid for the privilege. I ultimately agreed, we set a date, and we were locked in.

A curious chat with the opposite sex – 36 [MF]

I’ve had the good fortune to have partners who were both comfortable and open enough with me to answer some of my more personal and intimate questions. But, not everyone has been totally open and I never run out of questions. So, with the anonymity of reddit I’m wondering: what have you always wanted to ask a member of the opposite sex? What have you wondered about erections, ejaculation, orgasms, sex…whatever?

And are you up for answering some of my questions? Things like how you found your g-spot, or how often you orgasmed with other guys. What you tell their friends after a hookup or what’s surprised you about a past partner.

I’m 36, tall, slim and fit with a particular weakness for petite women, but open to chatting with anyone. If this seems interesting to you, send me a message or chat and let me know what caught your eye in this post.

Adults only please.

My time in a medical study – 36 [M]

Right after college when I was young ad broke I participated in a university study on male orgasms and premature ejaculation. The whole process was kind of wild but the highlights were:

– I had to agree to not intentionally orgasm outside of the study parameters for 6 weeks (basically no sex or masturbation outside the office)

– The first two weeks were about baselines – time to get an erection, erection size, time to orgasm, ejaculate volume etc.

– The last four weeks were about testing a new drug (which I’m guessing is commonly known as cialis today) by taking it daily and repeating the same steps.

– I went to the research office twice a week on A weeks, and three times a week on B weeks for exams and collection.

I’m not sure what else to say other than I’d be happy to go into more detail and would love to talk with other study participants. Message or chat me if you like.

I got a full erection during my annual physical – 36 [MF]

I get a physical every year and to be honest they’re always pretty cursory. Height, weight, heart and lungs, some blood work and I’m done in 15 mins tops. My last doctor didn’t even make me put on a gown. But I switched to a new practice and I guess some doctors are more thorough.

In addition to a new practice, it was also my first time with a female doctor. The nurse did all the vital and insisted I put on the gown with “just my underwear” on. I did and then waited and waited. Eventually she came in, and damn if she wasn’t basically my age and cute. We chatted and she got underway. Mostly the same stuff as always, but more poking and prodding than usual.

Just when I thought she was done she told me to stand up and take down my boxer briefs. A million things went through my head all at once, not the least of which was the sudden realization that I hadn’t jerked off in 4 or 5 days, which is way too long for me. She turned around to put on fresh gloves and when she turned back around and wheeled over on her stool I was fully hard. Not like, kind of excited hard, but full blown banana curve up to the sky hard. There was an awkward silence and then we both spoke – me apologizing and her saying it was totally normal.

My hyperspermia examination – 36 [MF]

I mentioned to my regular doctor that I noticed an increase in how much I was ejaculating and that several partners had commented on it being “a lot.” He referred me to a urologist who told me to make an appointment and to refrain from ejaculating for 4 days prior to the appointment. I usually cum every day, so that was kind of a tall order.

Long story short, I’m out of my mind horny by the time this new doctor walks in, and finding out she’s cute and around my age just made it all the more unbearable. We talked for a few, and then she had me stand for the exam. I had barely unzipped my pants before I was hard. Thankfully she was totally cool and told me it was normal. She felt my testicles, examined the shaft, and asked a ton of questions, including when I last ejaculated.

Then she told me to bend over so she could examine my prostate. I’d never even felt someone touch my prostate before, and holy shit did that get the precum flowing. When she was done she told me she needed me to ejaculate into a cup and then flip on this little light switch that would let them know I was done. I think it took me about 10 strokes to fill that cup up.

Uh…first time back at a strip club – 36 [MF]

Obviously I’ve stayed away from strip clubs during Covid. But I’m on a work trip and bored, so I decided to check one out. As expected it was pretty empty but there were a decent number of women working. I sat at the bar and had a drink as several women came up trying to sell me various private dances, but like I always do I just politely declined.

Then a woman came over to me who hit everything on my “can’t resist“ list: mid twenties, blonde, flawless stomach and what I could tell were perfectly perky 30 or 32C breasts. We chatted, I bought her a drink, and 5 minutes turned into 15 into 30. Finally I asked her why she didn’t try to sell me anything, and she told me it was because I seemed like a nice normal guy and didn’t “creep her out“ like a lot of the older customers, so she was just enjoying talking to me. We chatted a bit more and parted ways.

I got a full erection during my annual physical – 36 [MF]

I get a physical every year and to be honest they’re always pretty cursory. Height, weight, heart and lungs, some blood work and I’m done in 15 mins tops. My last doctor didn’t even make me put on a gown. But I switched to a new practice and I guess some doctors are more thorough.In addition to a new practice, it was also my first time with a female doctor. The nurse did all the vital and insisted I put on the gown with “just my underwear” on. I did and then waited and waited. Eventually she came in, and damn if she wasn’t basically my age and cute. We chatted and she got underway. Mostly the same stuff as always, but more poking and prodding than usual.

Just when I thought she was done she told me to stand up and take down my boxer briefs. A million things went through my head all at once, not the least of which was the sudden realization that I hadn’t jerked off in 4 or 5 days, which is way too long for me. She turned around to put on fresh gloves and when she turned back around and wheeled over on her stool I was fully hard. Not like, kind of excited hard, but full blown banana curve up to the sky hard. There was an awkward silence and then we both spoke – me apologizing and her saying it was totally normal.