[MF] college sex with a girl who has dwarfism

So in college I was a nerd, still am a nerd. I’m tall and skinny, and play a lot of video games ect ect. As you can imagine the people I associated with were like me. Basically, we were not partying it up at the popular frat on the weekend, however we had are own fun and college was a blast.

I had two hook ups/one night stands in college. First one was my sophomore year (lost my vCard) the second time was my junior year (The reason for this post). My senior year I was in a relationship. Anyways, it was a Saturday and me and my friends have a small gathering. All the same people we hang with on a regular basis. Except, for one of our friends(Female, who was dating my roommate) had brought two of her friends from highschool , who were visiting that weekend. The one friend in particular, let’s call her “Kelly” had dwarfism. She had a normal head shape, slim body with like wide hips/big ass. Kelly was really outgoing and friendly, and she mingled with everyone well.

[MF] fucking my sisters (BBW) friend in the mountains

I live in Colorado. Last year during the ski season, my sister and her family came out from the east coast. They rented a cabin in a mountain resort and I came along. It was a big cabin, two floors. Two bedrooms on the first and three on the second floor. My sister told me her friend from college who also lives in Colorado would be coming up for a few nights.

I get to the cabin and i am greeted by my sister and her husband, we bullshit for awhile and they show me my room. As they are showing me my room on the first floor, my sisters friend arrives. (I have never met my sister friend and I had no idea what to expect) The women who walks in is this very curvy blond hair chick. The best way I can describe her ( sorry if it’s not PC) is that she was a BBW. She was def close to 200lbs, she took off her coat and she had these huge tits that were stretching the shirt she was wearing.

[MFM] fucking the wife then the husband…

So I have been getting a lot of messages about sharing more about my sexual experiences.
I can’t really label my sexual orientation. I enjoy having sex with both men and women. I just like to do the fucking.

About 3 months ago I had an amazing threesome. I met this couple at a local meet and great for swingers. I am currently single.
We exchanged number and they said they would contact me if they were interested.

I thought whatever, but later that week I get a text from the women. She is middle aged very thin, A cup breast, dark black hair, pretty sure dyed. Her husband was a fit dude, about 5 foot 4. Anyways in her texts she asks for a dick pic to see if I will meet her standards. After a few mins I get a text back with all these questions.

Are you available this Friday?
Have you ever taken viagra
Are you comfortable with having anal with both me and my husband?
Are you comfortable with oral from my husband and me?
At most how many times have you cum in a single sex session?

[MF] how I fucked my cleaning lady (with proof)

How i fucked my cleaning lady.

Background- I live in Colorado, I have my own start up. my cleaning lady is a hippy 45 year old lady who loves to ski and smoke up.. She is entertaining and very blunt. I think she over chargers me, but on the off chance I get home before she is done she always has a funny story or a crazy life event to tell me, and she does a good job. She also calls me boss, it bothers me bc I am about 15 years younger then her.

So the other day, I’m at work and I receive a text from her ( which is weird bc she only texts me when shits fucked up) see the text below

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At first it felt very awkward, but then I kinda was turned on. For the record my length is above average, but my girth is about 6.5 inch circumference. I told myself that I would push the envelope with her as far as she would let me. Just for kicks.