It’s midnight (Mf) (bd) (rape) (sad)

Your neighbor’s dog is barking again. It feels like it wakes you up every night. After a bit it quiets down and you start to drift back off to sleep.

Suddenly you feel a weight on your back and a hand pushing your face down into the pillow. You try to scream but hardly anything comes out, it is starting to get hard to breath.

Your struggling starts to weaken as you fight for air. You feel your clothes being cut from your body as the intruder straddles your back.

Soon you are nude underneath him, then you black out. When you come to you find yourself tied spread eagle on your bed face down. A gag in your mouth and a bag tied around your head. He grabs your hips and lifts your ass in the air and crams a pillow beneath you so you are displaying your pussy and asshole to him.