A thanksgiving special (M/F) (Implied impregnation)

The holidays are a lovely calming time for most, but for me I see opportunity. It was a thanksgiving dinner at her family’s house. We were a very passionate couple in what we did and it only made us closer that we were very similar people. We had made a pact neither of us were allowed to masturbate, or have sex. The first one to snap lost, I had been fighting off the urges for the past two days waiting for this dinner. Up to actually was quite a boring story until a certain scenario was brought up. Her mother had brought up the idea of us staying in her old bedroom considering we lived quite a long drive away, she started to decline then I jumped in and said we would be delighted to stay.

Fun on family vacation Pt. 3 (M/F) (sneaky)

As we returned to the hotel room, I knew the game had just been amped up. Then as i sat down I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket and as I take it out I see a message from her. “I can’t get over it, I need you now, in me now, me in your arms held down by your power now.” With her parents being in the same room conducting conversation with us I was powerless, but the urges were hard and heavy. After another hour of talking I began do drift asleep, after the day at the amusement park all of use were pretty exhausted. One thing missed in my slumber was that her parents were going to go out and eat and bring something back for us. I had just set up the perfect scenario for her to have her way at me.

Fun on family vacation (M/F) (sneaky) Pt. 2

Once making it too breakfast she got to and through the line before I even began. I’m a playful and teasing person, as I walked through the line a nice looking girl my age was next to me and I started with simple small talk, but this chick had a very large pair of figurative balls. She just let out a very confident statement “hey you’re kinda cute maybe you could come back to my room?” Now I had an ace in my hand, my girl was siting with her back to us in ear shot, and I said back “I don’t know ill have to th-” I was cut off by my gf with her tongue being shoved into my throat.

The cheeky little princess then spins around and looks at the girl I was talking to and simply says “mine”. Quite literally grabbing me by the cock and dragging me to the small table she had sat at. She also knew just how to get me back, she had gotten a banana and began to tease me by eating the banana in the most sexual way. Having to sit at the table well after the meal, to make sure my erection she gave me from the banana performance was under control. Then the lovely hand holding stroll back to the room began. When we reached the room it was time to get ready and go to an amusement park.

Fun on family vacation (M/F) (sneaky) Pt. 1

Her family had invited me to go on a weekend vacation with them. You couldn’t tell from just meeting me you would have to get to really know me to know, I am one of if not the kinkiest person you’ve ever met. I’m a nice guy and won’t push any boundaries unless you do first, or if I call you mine. On their part however, I do tend to take risks and tend to be a massive prick with what I do. I saw the entire trip as a chance of me to be the dominant sexual prick I am.

We were driving up Friday night and coming back Monday morning. So that Friday we loaded up and headed off, night soon fell and it ended up me sitting against the door and feet propped against the opposite door, and her laying on her back on top of me. I was a decent actor and had been acting like I was asleep for a while. She was wide awake talking with her parents, lucky for me it was extremely dark with no street lights and an overcast night, she was wearing sweats .