Like a Good Neighbor – Part 5 [Long Read][Cheating][L-Bomb][Creampie][Impregnation][Oral]

Pain, nothing but pain, filled my psyche for the past three days. I sped off, leaving Riza on the street corner sobbing uncontrollably, my chest burning with rage and fury. I was mad at her, but not nearly as mad as I was at myself for being a fool and believing that someone as wonderful and amazing as Riza would ever take an honest interest in me. Like a love-struck boy, I played right into her ploy, blinded by my love, desire, and lust for her. She played me like a fiddle, talking about how horrible her husband was, how she had loved me for years, and for a while… I believed every single word she had said. Every fucking word. I just assumed she had a breeding or creampie fetish when she told me she wanted a baby with me. Something I was all too willing to give her as her lover. However, I would not be some kind of sperm donor so she could get rich.

Like a Good Neighbor – Part Four [Long Read][Cheating][L-bomb][Creampie][Impregnation][Lovers Quarrel][Woman’s Perspective]

I awoke slowly, consciousness replacing the grogginess of my slumber at a snail’s pace. I didn’t want to open my eyes for the fear that last night could have been just a dream. I didn’t want to open my eyes because the warmth of the bed was so inviting, and the soft sheets and comforter hugged my body like a glove. I took in a deep breath through my nose and smelled him on the pillow, with a faint hint of freshly brewed coffee. Greedily, I pushed my face deeper into the pillow, his scent intoxicating me as I breathed him in. The scent of him made my mind flash back to last night, the way he held me as we made love, the look of pure, unadulterated love in his eyes as he filled me with his seed. As I rolled over under the sheets, I could feel soreness in my lady parts, but also the residual wetness of his seed still inside of me. Finally, with much reluctance, I stretched my arms and legs out and enjoyed the feeling as sleepy muscles woke up.

Like a Good Neighbor – Part 3

Things and between Riza and I started to heat up at a pace that even I didn’t anticipate. Ronny was off for the whole week before he had to return to work, but that didn’t dissuade her one bit. Periodically throughout the day while I was at work and at home, I would get texts from Riza. At first, it was innocent enough, her texting me asking me how my day was going, me asking her what her plans were for today, and so on. Then she told me how much she missed me, and couldn’t wait for us to be together again. I told her that, truthfully, my heart ached knowing she was so close yet so far away. We wanted to do more, we wanted to be together, but it was too risky of Ronny finding out if we attempted much more. Then, one night as I was getting settled for bed for the night, things went from innocent and sentimental on the phone to risky in the blink of an eye.

Like a Good Neighbor – Part 2 [Cheating/Affair][L-bomb][While He Is Home][Fingering][Kissing][PIV][Creampie/Impregnation]

The brilliantly bright afternoon Texas sunlight feels hot on my skin as I settle into the lawn chair next to the pool. My favorite pair of sunglasses make the brightness bearable as I get myself comfortable. Soothing, classical music is playing through the small speakers Ronny and I installed last summer in the bushes around the pool area. Closing my eyes as I relax, my thoughts drift to that of Kurt. For the past year I’ve tried to get his attention and earn his affection. The way he smiles at me, the way my heart flutters and my body tingles at his slightest touch, the look in his eyes every time he sees me, it’s the way Ronny used to look at me and make me feel. Kurt was different. He wasn’t shy about his emotions, he was kind, supportive, and attentive. He was everything Ronny wasn’t. And his cock… Oh my what a cock he had. He wasn’t much bigger than any guy I’d been with in the past, but the way he made my pussy stretch and feel full, and the huge, thick load of cum he planted in me kept me tingly downstairs for hours after Ronny had gotten home.

Like a Good Neighbor [Cheating][Oral][L-bomb][Creampie][Impregnation]

I set my keys on the hook just inside the door of my house, as my phone buzzed in my pocket. Fishing it out, I glanced at the screen and noticed a text from Riza across the street. I pulled up the message and read as I started to kick my shoes off.

*Hey, just saw you pull in the driveway! Sorry to bother you but I need some help getting some heavy boxes out of the attic and Ronny is won’t be home until Friday. Would you mind giving me a hand?*

Riza was an adorable 4’11” brunette of Philippine or Indonesian heritage, a cute pair of B-cup she was very proud of that sat on a wonderfully petite frame, and a decent sized ass that wasn’t huge, but it suited her body very well. She filled a bikini like a Sports Illustrated model, and I’ve excused myself on more than one occasion during pool parties at their house to deal with an issue that had ‘just come up’. Ronny was a lucky guy. They were in their late 20’s, college sweethearts, and Ronny was a wonderful husband to her. His job in construction kept him away from home for weeks or months at a time, but he made it up to her when he was home. I was in my early thirties, unmarried, not for the lack of trying. I just hadn’t met the girl that made the fireworks go off in my chest yet.

A Knock at the Door – Part 2 [Wholesome][L-Bomb][Oral][Deepthroat][Impregnation][Creampie]

Craig’s phone rang in his passenger seat. Reaching forward, he tapped the display screen to accept the call.

“Sup Derek?” Craig answered, “I thought you were doing that volunteer thing downtown today?”

“Brooooo,” Derek holler through the phone, “I am so, so sorry. I had no idea!”

“No idea about what exactly?” Craig asked, completely clueless as to what Derek was referring to.

“I was headed to the volunteer event at the stadium, and then I realized I forgot my command T-shirt at the house this morning and had to come get it,” Derek explained frantically over the phone, “I walk in the house and your girl is in the kitchen wearing nothing but a smile and an apron around her waist.”

“She what now?” Craig asked, desperately holding back laughter at the mental image he had in his mind of that moment.

Faintly, Craig could hear Sofia’s voice in the background, “You fucking asshole! It was supposed to be a sexy surprise for him! You ruined everything!”

“HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO SAY I’M SORRY?” Derek yelled over the phone, voice tinged with frustration, “Damn it woman! How in the hell was I supposed to know you were going to be dress like that when I opened the door.”

A Knock at the Door [Spooning][Grinding][Choking][Impregnation][Creampie]

“Two large pepperoni, stuffed crust pizzas,” Derek spoke into the phone, “Awesome, about how long? Thirty minutes? Ok, that works. See ya then.”

Derek tapped the end call button and set the phone down on the coffee table. Picking his controller up, he reached up and slid his headset back over one ear. Craig could make out muffled sounds of gunfire and chatter between team mates through the speakers in the head set, and the click-clack of buttons as Derek jumped back into his Call of Duty match. None of the noise bother Craig as he stared down at his study guide, cramming for his advancement exam in a couple of days. After a deployment aboard a Nimitz Class aircraft carrier, the noise Derek was making was little more that white noise to Craig.

Craig’s berthing space on the carrier was two decks below catapults one and two. In addition to muffled jet engine noise, there was also the sound of the steam charging the line, as well as the sound of the shuttle racing across the flight deck. To top it all off, as the shuttle reached the end of the track of the catapult, there was a muffled *boom* that would shake the whole front end of the ship, including Craig’s rack. The carrier was his first ship, fresh out of A-School, and it was an adjustment for him at first. After a week or two, he adjusted to it and found that he slept better on the ship while she was underway than he did on shore.

The New Guy [Oral][PIV][Spanking][Anal][DP][Creampie] Part 11

[Part 10](

“Would you stop staring at that thing?” I asked Amanda for the 5th time today.

“No! I still can’t believe you asked me to marry you in Tia’s basement,” Amanda said as she played with the diamond on her engagement ring, “For some reason, I even said yes. I must be crazy or something.”

I walked into the bathroom and slapped Amanda’s ass, grabbing her bare ass cheek in my hand and squeezing gently. Her soft white skin felt warm and familiar under my hand. She bit her lip and stared at me in the mirror.

“No argument here about that!” I teased as I met her eyes in the mirror and wrapped a hand around her growing belly.

“Hey!” Amanda exclaimed as she slapped my arm. “Not my fault your dick is so good I can think straight sometimes.”

Wi[F]e (32) chased [M]y (33) dick off the bed and made me cum in her

So, for the past couple of months, I’ve found a new hobby in writing fictional erotic literature on reddit (check my profile if that’s something that interests you). All of that got started by sharing true stories about my wife and my sexual experiences, and it just kinda grew from there.

After a suggestion from another redditor, I took a shot and shared one of my stories with my wife, and she loved it. Apparently, it was good enough after she read it that she was in the mood and ended up re-enacting a few of the lines from the fictional story she read, which I thought was awesome. This has been going on off and on, she reads a part of a story and we have sex because she gets in the mood. It would seem that my wife thinks I have a bit of a knack for story telling, and its a big turn on for her.

The New Guy [BDSM][Bondage][PIV][Oral][Domination] Part 10

[Part 9](

I’ve learned many things about Amanda and myself over this weekend, but my hardest lesson I’ve learned was *Never. Ever. Make a bet with Tia.*

I don’t know if I underestimated my stamina, or Amanda’s talent with her mouth, but she didn’t hold anything back and I received the best blowjob I’ve ever had in my life. Not only did Amanda make me cum with just her mouth before she had to come up for air, but she stayed down there long enough to suck every last drop out of me, pop out of the water and swallow my load right in front of me, and only *then* did she gasp for air. As if to rub salt in the wound, she straddled me and rubbed her soft, swollen pussy lips up and down my softening shaft as her tongue probed my mouth, still salty with the remnants of the my recently devoured cum. A few minutes later, we were out of the water and on the balcony. Amanda and Tia both sat back in a chair and spread their legs wide, slowly extracting their butt plugs, and carried them into the house to clean them off. Tia instructed me to lay back on one of the lawn chairs she uses for sun bathing, and to make myself comfortable. The girls soon returned with strips of cloth and a bowl of warm wax. The warm wax felt great on my balls and around my shaft, right up until the moment where the sharp, burning pain took my by surprise as Amanda ripped off the first wax strip. That said, I gritted my teeth, and suffered through the pain. Amanda must have taken pity on me because she softly stroked and sucked my semi-hard cock as Tia continued to rip hair from my genitals. By the time it was all done, the burning of my loins was a literal description of how I felt. It felt a lot better when Amanda rubbed some kind of oil, or maybe it was a lotion, on my genital areas, and ass crack.