The time I [f/m] had sex in my sister’s bed

I'll warn you this is kind of a long story. If you ask nicely in a pm I will give you a picture of me, if you're too shy i'll give you the gist of what I look like. I'm 24, about 5'10. 125 lbs. C cup boobs, in decent shape, with dirty blonde hair and blue eyes. An ex once called me Hitler's fantasy woman.

A while back I was visiting my family for about two weeks. I had recently lost my big fancy New York city job and was pretty depressed about it, so I decided spending some time away would cheer me up some.

So I get picked up at the airport by my twin sister Lauren and my mom, they were super glad to see me, I hadn't been home for almost a year.

We get home and I'm pretty exhausted from the ordeal you have to go through at the airport, you know how that is, so I just flopped on the couch face first and took a little nap.

I wake up and there's a sticky note that's been carefully placed on my sleeve that says everybody went into town and that they'll be back in a few hours.

(f/f) My wild night in Barcelona.

So I went on a trip to Spain a few weeks ago and made some great new friends. A few of which I wasn't expecting to get quite so friendly with. So we'd been traveling together for about a week at this point. It’s our last night in Barcelona and we’re going to have a really good time. We start drinking at about 9, a bit heavily because the drinks at the clubs are pretty absurdly expensive. I was about 3 cocktails in and already feeling a little drunk.

11 rolled around and our bus to take us downtown shows up. A huge group of people from our hostel was going with us down to the club.

I start dancing with my friend Samantha to this Enrique Iglesias song and it starts getting a little bit hot and heavy, she’s grinding up on me and I’m starting to get a little turned on which I’m kind of ashamed about. So we’re all dancing and drinking for hours until we gather our little group of 3 guys 5 girls up and head out on the almost completely empty and partially dark beach. We start playing silly games like never have I ever and truth or dare, I swear it’s like high school all over again.

(F/F) Gameday

Story 5/5

My story resumes about six weeks later on a chilly Saturday afternoon.

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I am so excited for tonight. Kim and I are going to the game together and it’s going to be incredible!

I’m not usually a big sports girl but there’s something about college football that gets me going. I think it has something to do with all the drama surrounding it. People’s dreams and feeling of self-worth on the line over a silly ball and field. Entire cities and states even rallied around a team of 50-100 guys fighting for the right to be called champions.

It’s the big rivalry game tonight and our school has a real chance to go all the way this season for the first time in decades. Everyone on campus is all worked up about it. There are people guarding depictions of our mascot 24/7, and there is a fervor of unprecedented proportions. The police are even worried that there might be a riot if we lose.

Kim and I have been up since about 5 AM so we could show up on college game day with some of our guy friends. I am already rocking a pretty mean buzz and it’s barely noon!

(F/F) A Secret Rendezvous

Story 4/5

This story starts the next morning after my previous story

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I wake up with sunlight peeking in over the blinds, still wrapped in Kim's arms. She is still asleep so I just lay there with her warmth radiating into me while listening to the birds just outside the window in a state of perfect bliss. For what seemed like a long time I lay there enjoying the happiness I felt throughout my entire body.

I feel Kim stir and start to pull away from me. I turn around to face her and see she is smiling at me.

She says in her soft sweet voice, "Last night was amazing Katie kat"

I respond with a little peck and Kim pulls me into a tight embrace. I whisper to her, "I'm never leaving this spot."

Kim gives me a kiss and says, "you promise?"

I roll us over so I am on top of her, and start smothering her with kisses. Kim rolls me back the other way and while she pins me down whispers in my ear, "I think you want some more don't you you naughty little girl."

(f/?) Jealousy is a Fickle Mistress.

Story 3/5

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I'm in my second month of college and already I am struggling with my classes. This is a new experience for me because in high school I never had to study or even try to get straight A's. My dork sister on the other hand is just doing great. She just got a 90 something on her first exam and already has a new boyfriend who is of course insufferably cute.

On top of that it's been a little while since my and Kim's little incident and I've done my best to just pretend it didn't happen, but the tension built up between us is intensely thick.

Thank god it's finally the weekend. I am just going to get totally drunk and have some fun tonight at this party one of my classmates invited me to at the dorms.

I text Kim to see if she'll go with me because she's basically my best friend now and she is incredibly fun to be with.

Of course since she is awesome she says she'll come with =)

(f/f) Just a bit of experimentation, right?

Story 2/5

Summer is coming to an end quite quickly as it always seems to. I am anxious about starting school, but excited at the same time. I have never lived away from my parents before and the prospect of no rules and no limits is almost too incredible to be true.

My sister Lauren and I have just moved into a small apartment in our new city (my dad got us out of the dorms requirement for freshmen) but we needed to find someone to take the other bedroom. Lauren and I had always shared a room so we didn't even consider not, plus who doesn't want to save money on rent. None of our friends from back home are going to the same school as us so we decide to put out an ad and see who we get. This is where I first meet Kim. Over the phone just talking about the apartment and bills and whatnot I can tell right away that there is something about this girl that I like. We agree to have her over to see the place and talk and make sure that none of us are crazy axe murderers or anything like that.

(F) My teenage summer lust

Hi, I'm reposting my stories on a new account because I had to delete my previous posts. PMs and comments are welcome just please no unsolicited dick pics ;). If a mod wants to pm me to verify I am the OP he or she is welcome to. Oops I butchered the title, supposed to be (F/M) . . . . . . .

The summer after high school all I could think about was having sex. I was one of only three girls in a group of mostly guy friends but I was too shy to even consider getting with any of them. I mean you know how it is when you're an awkward teenager, even the slightest misstep seems like social suicide.

That all changed when I met Will. We bumped into each other at a bonfire that me and my twin sister Lauren were throwing one hot June night. He was a friend of my brother who was in town visiting during his college summer break. Will was super tall and really handsome. When I first saw him I started thinking how sexy it would be if he picked me up and carried me off like a caveman or something. Totally dorky, I know but still… something about tall guys..