The date to never forget

This story is not non-fiction, yet. I do hope that it will become non-fiction during my stay on this tropical island.
I hope you enjoy.
So, this story starts with us. Me being me, a young dive instructor currently working and living on a tropical island in the Caribbean. And you, a lovely girl who I have yet to meet. I don’t know how we’re going to meet. Neither do I know when, I hope soon tho. But for the rest of this story it is only important to know that we really like each other and that we are having a great time together.

Today is a nice beautifull day. The weather forecast promises clear skies for the rest of the day and evening. Temperatures are low 30’s for the day and around 27 in the evening. Perfect for what I have planned for us. For all you know tonight will be ‘just’ another date night at my place. But what I have planned is way more exciting.