[F]ucking [M]y Little Cousin

A question about the most morally dubious sex act on another sub reminded me of this experience, so I decided to cross post it here. Skip to *** if you just want the action and no backstory.

My mom had just passed away. Lots of close and distant family members came into town. One who stayed for a while was an 18-year-old I had only seen once before when he was about 8. He had grown up to be pretty good-looking, but even then I didn’t see him like that. In my head, no matter the separation between genes, he was still my little cousin. I could just recognize that he was a good looking kid.

He was here for about a month from outside of the country and originally was staying with my mom’s cousin, who is his aunt. I felt bad for him because he didn’t speak any English. At his aunt’s house the only one that knew how to speak Spanish was his aunt, but she was married to a white guy and never taught her kids to speak it, so he could never understand what anyone was saying.

[FF] Playing boyfriend from my insanely hot BFF

Have shared in a long time, but hopefully you’ll like me recounting of one of my few lesbian experiences. You can jump to ***** if you want to skip the preface and backstory.

Let’s start with the fact that I have an insanely hot BFF. I mean, I know I’m not a dude, but even before this experience with her I had always jokingly said that if I were I would fuck her. She is constantly in the gym, naturally has a beautiful face and ass for days, and a few months before the night it happened, she had gotten a boob job. To help you visualize, instead of describing I figured it might be best to just share pictures (with faces blurred because, you know – stalkers): [https://imgur.com/a/XIQOs4R](https://imgur.com/a/XIQOs4R)

Like most insanely hot women, she unfortunately is also one of the most insecure people I know. This never really surprised me, because all of my hot friends are the most insecure people I know haha! At the time she had also been dating a married man for a couple of years (horrible, I know – but let’s not judge, ok?), but every so often they would breakup because she would get sick of the hiding and not being able to be a normal couple out in public. This night was one of those times.

[FM] My first face fuck left bruised and battered

Jump to *-*-*-* to skip the backstory

Let me preface this by saying I have a serious kink for being forced, which in all honesty was the only thing that makes this a memory that still turns me on, despite not really being attracted to the guy after the fact.

If you’ve read my other stories, I’ve already mentioned I go through long, self-imposed dry spells until my natural horniness builds up resulting in me turning into a cock hungry savage. The dry spell preceding this occurrence was shorter than some of my others, but the level at which I needed cock was at an all-time high.

I helped a really close friend at work (guy – we’ll call him O) to start dating a really hot new girl at my work who eventually became my best friend (she’ll be E). I mention this because we were all so close that we spoke very openly about our sex lives, and she was never bothered by it because she respected the fact that he and I were friends before they were bf/gf, so it wasn’t a big deal that he knew my business too.

[F]ucking [M]y younger coworker for the second time

Jump to *-*-* if you want to skip the backstory and get right to the action.

This was the second time I fucked my 12-year younger work subordinate ([Read the first time here if you’re interested](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/amzh1x/fm_turning_my_much_younger_work_subordinate_into/)). I’m sharing because this time was completely different to the first.

After the first time he had choked me out and owned my ass so completely in the backseat of his car, I honestly thought that was gonna be it – a one-time thing, and I was completely fine with that even though it was amazing sex. I was just happy I got to live out my fantasy of fucking him in the first place after he had initially rejected my offer.

A couple of weeks had passed since that first time. The station had another event. Our group of friends usually made a habit of having an “after party” at one of our houses after events and it was completely normal for some people to sleep over, especially if they drank. I was really tired after a long day and wanted to get the best mattress to myself, so I called it a night early and called dibs on the room I knew had the best mattress in it, even though the mattress was actually on the floor instead of on a bed frame. I passed out cold.

[FM] Turning my much younger work subordinate into my fuck buddy

To skip the long backstory and get into the action, go to * – * – * – * I know this one was long, but I wanted to include a lot of details.

I had broken up with my boyfriend a week prior, when this sexy young thing walked into the station. Normally I wouldn’t be the first to see him, but the receptionist was out sick that day and I was covering the reception area for her. Imagine my delight when he walked up to the desk and asked for a job application. Two things ran through my head – I need to do anything in my power to make sure he gets hired and if he does, I call dibs. I was the first one to see him anyway. I’ll be damned if any of the other bitches in the office makes a move.

His [M]onster cock reminded me of how much I love to [F]

If you want to skip the background story and get to the action , jump to **************

I have two settings when it comes to my sex life – holy virgin and wild whore. I’ve never quite mastered the in between. I had been single for a while and went through several fuck buddies, one night stands, and pity fucks (a wild whore phase) when I decided that I needed to stop messing around and not fuck anybody unless it was going to go somewhere (a holy virgin phase). So that’s what I did for five very long, cold, dry years. It was a long phase. Then, one day I got a message from someone who followed me on social media but I didn’t actually know. This was the first time I had gotten a message from a stranger but for some reason I decided to reply.