The time the guy in my bio class that liked me came over… [FM]

This happened a couple months ago, just before corona broke out and I still constantly think of it because it was lowkey one of the hottest things to ever happen to me.

There was this guy in my biology class who I knew had a thing for me…let’s call him Ethan. anyways one night a couple of my friends and I were hanging out at my friend Sarah’s house. She just happened to live very close to Ethan so he soon texted her asking if he could come over (probably knowing I was there…. )

About 10 minutes later he arrived in the door and instantly my best friend Lara started flirting with him. She’s usually the ones guys go for because she’s really pretty, confident and really nice. But she also had just gotten out of a relationship so she was a little tipsy and looking for a rebound maybe.