I [m] got my wife [f] off in a pool while her mom was within earshot

Hello, long time lurker here. Been debating on whether or not to share this story for a long time. Decided to just say “fuck it” and finally do it. Not sure if l’ll leave it up permanently or not, but here goes.

So, I travel for a living. My wife and I were living in a completely different state, but when Covid hit we let our lease expire on our apartment and moved in with her parents – It just made a lot more sense for a variety of reasons. Anyway, I came home from a trip one time. Sometimes I’m only gone for a few days, sometimes it’s close to a month, it all just depends. This was a longer trip, maybe a week or two. As we usually do after I’ve been gone for a while, we found an excuse to go upstairs and have sex as soon as we could after I got home without being blatantly obvious about what we were doing, since her parents were still in the house with us. After we finished Round 1, we decided to go and relax by the pool, since it was a hot summer day. So we both change into bathing suits and head down to the pool.