[FM] An early Sunday morning in the park

I have a thing for fooling around in public and exhibitionism. This is a bit hard to express in real life to the extent that I’d like for obvious reasons. I talk to my friend with benefits, Nick, about this fantasy often, and one day he blurted out his best idea in ages, “We should fuck in that park you like.” I dismissed it initially because I thought there would be too many people around. It sounded very fun though!

I’m short and petite with pale skin. I have wavy, dark brown hair, blue eyes, tiny breasts, a tiny waist, with a flat stomach and a nice ass. Nick is tan, fit, and lean, but not big, with a visible six-pack and toned arms. He has blond hair, blue eyes, an average-sized cock. I’m in my late 20s, and he’s in his early 20s.

I thought about his comment for a while, and then a great idea popped into my head: we should go hiking before the park even opens, this way no one will be there. A nearby park would work very well since they open later on Sundays. So we scheduled our date, planning to have sex at a scenic overlook, and got up early the following Sunday.

[FM] Fun on the beach during a short vacation

My previous story is [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/5jr9ly/fm_quiet_guy_at_the_bar/).

I tried writing in a bit of a different style than the last one, still trying to find what works. Hope you enjoy!

My parents have a timeshare that they generously allow me to use. You can get lavish hotel nearly anywhere in the world. Sometimes I travel with them, or with friends, and sometimes I go alone (I also get discounts on flights). You might think it’s scary for a woman to travel alone (I was at first, and sometimes it is), but generally people are very nice and friendly, especially if you speak a bit of the local language. The timeshare works on a points system: you get an allotment of points per year, and different hotels cost a different amount of points per night. One summer, they offered me their remaining points for the year. They had already booked a few vacations for themselves, so there was not much left over for me. The points-cost of a night’s stay followed supply and demand, so hotter and more tropical places are much cheaper in the summer than in the winter, since everyone wants to go to warmer places in January. So what could I afford with my small amount of points in the middle of summer? A modest three weeknight stay at a remote tropical beach resort in another country! Luckily I don’t mind the heat.

[FM] Quiet guy at the bar

This is my first time posting my writing publicly, so constructive criticism is welcome! I have more stories to tell, so depending on the reception of this one I may put some more into words. Thanks for reading.


“Oops! I’m sorry!”, I exclaimed, wobbling on my high heels. I should’ve been watching where I was going. I grabbed the stranger’s arm to keep myself from tripping over him. The booming music of the night’s live act, my friends calling after me, and the crowded dimly-lit bar together with a few drinks made tripping over somebody easy.

“It’s fine! No problem,” he said with a laugh. His smile caught my eye, I smiled back for a moment before continuing on. As I pushed open the restroom door just a few steps away, I looked back to see him watching me. He waved, and I smirked bashfully and darted my eyes away before stepping inside.

The quiet bathroom was a welcome break from the energy outside and a took advantage of that to freshen myself up. My red lipstick and light blue eyes stood out in stark contrast to my pale skin and dark wavy hair. I fixed the straps on my heels, pulled up my white skirt, and straightened my tight black off-the-shoulder top. That man’s face flashed across my thoughts as I stared at myself in the mirror.