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Kind of part 2 to this :

As I mentioned in that ^ post, I ended up meeting up with K eventually. I had felt really bad about blowing him off, and he was actually trying to pursue something with me versus whatever had happened with A was purely physical.. so I ended up going over to K’s house one day, and to spare myself the torture of reliving that experience, it was just… really really bad. Things happened, time passed, and we ended up deciding we’d be better off as friends.

I couldn’t stop thinking about A. But I really didn’t know if I’d ever really see him again. I honestly barely knew the guy. We hooked up twice but it’s not like we were friends or anything before that. He really was just someone I thought I’d fuck because he was hot and I was horny. And the second time almost felt like it was an accident. But there I was, just getting wet every time I thought back at that drunken night in his bed.. constantly fantasizing about him.

Drunk and horny.. [FM]

One night, I’m out with a girlfriend of mine, completely drunk off my asssss. And when I get drunk, I get ridiculously horny. It’s just, a given. Anyway, I was sending little flirty texts to this guy I was kiiiiind of talking to at the time? Sort of? Not the point I guess.. but I was making plans to go over to his house. I’ll call him K. I’m honestly kind of gone at this point though, so when my friend’s relative is telling my friend “she’s in no condition to drive” and they’re like talking about it and everything, I sort of tune it out because this other guy texts me. I know, I’m a horrible person. Lol

So this other guy, let’s call him A, I hadn’t talked to him in a while, hadn’t seen him since our first, and what I thought was our only, hook up. Truthfully I thought he was going to be a one night stand. Don’t get me wrong, I had a lot of fun with him but there was a bit of a distance issue so it just felt impractical to keep talking to him after our hook up. And the hook up itself wasn’t even something that was planned. He was just some hot guy I picked up one day. The kicker is, I just so happened to be in town when he shot that text…

My first Reddit crush… [MF]

I was still new to Reddit. Was still learning just how easily you could connect with people.. I was having my fun conversations here and there but nothing with much substance.. I came across the post of this guy, I could tell he was a bit older. He had that salt and pepper beard going on, sexy chest hair, a really nice looking cock.. but the thing that got me was that incredible fucking smile of his. I visited his profile, I saw the amount of likes and comments his posts had gotten in the past, but honestly, I thought, “what the hell” and shot him a message.

I was pleasantly surprised when he wrote me back. The chemistry was undeniable from the get go, I had just hoped it wouldn’t fizzle out. We talked for hours before agreeing to change platforms.. and before I knew it, we were talking all day every day. He really was just the ultimate catch. Did I mention he was only located a few hours away from me? Of course, it was only a matter of time before we talked about meeting up.

He completely used my mouth [F]

There’s this guy I’ve hooked up with a few times.. He’s one of those guys who knows he’s hot so he feels like he doesn’t have to put much effort forth. I’d had a bit of a crush on him for a while and never in a million years thought he’d look my way. One day we find ourselves at the same party and there’s definitely a lot of flirting going on. But unfortunately nothing ended up happening.. we did however end up adding each other on social media and eventually exchanged numbers. We’d talked about hanging out a couple of times but either I had to work or he did.

Anyway, one night, he hit me up, and I thought “fuck it”. I went over and my godddddd, he fucked me like he thought I deserved it. It was insanely hot the way he’d wrap his arm around my neck and whisper dirty things into my ear. But this post isn’t about that.. it’s about our most recent hook up. We ended up hooking up quite a few times. He turned out to be a bit of an asshole so it didn’t turn into much else but I kept going back because his dick is honestly fucking massive and I love challenging myself with it.