The time my S/O [M] shared me [F] with his friend.

I wanted to post this again because i had a lot of people spamming me in messages after i had deleted it to post it again. (i deleted it bc people i know irl found it, but now i don’t really care :))

I just had my first experience and it was great!…. but also a bit awkward at first and nerve-racking… and hot. It’s a bit hard to figure out where to begin and it’s a bit long so I apologize in advance. I guess I should first provide some backstory. I’m 25 and my s/o is 26 I’m mixed white/Japanese and he is white. His friend is also the same age as him.

So yesterday me and my bf talked more serious about what we wanted to do and that’s when I had agreed to do it the last Friday night with his friend. Tonight me and my bf both went downtown and met up with his friend who met us at a nice restaurant where we all ate. it took a while for us to get in because there was quite a wait to get a table because the place was packed but this gave me a bit more time to talk to his friend and get to know him a bit more and for me to get calmed down and not so nervous at least for a while. After we finished eating we went to this very nice cheesecake restaurant and had dessert there.

When my BF let his friend fuck me while he watched. [FMM]

I had posted our experience on another sub a few weeks ago then someone told me I should post it here as well so that’s what I am doing now! Mainly because I still think about it and it still turns me on lol. And I enjoy sharing this type of thing too.

I just had my first experience and it was great!…. but also a bit awkward at first and nerve-racking… and hot. It’s a bit hard to figure out where to begin and it’s a bit long so I apologize in advance. I guess I should first provide some backstory. I’m 25 and my bf is 26 I’m mixed white/Japanese and he is white. His friend is also the same age as him.

So yesterday me and my bf talked more serious about what we wanted to do and that’s when I had agreed to do it the last Friday night with his friend. Tonight me and my bf both went downtown and met up with his friend who met us at a nice restaurant where we all ate. it took a while for us to get in because there was quite a wait to get a table because the place was packed but this gave me a bit more time to talk to his friend and get to know him a bit more and for me to get calmed down and not so nervous at least for a while. After we finished eating we went to this very nice cheesecake restaurant and had dessert there.