A Summer of Change pt. 1 [25F/27F] [CNC] [Bond] [MC]

“Repeat,” The silky voice was all around her now. Choking off the her avenues of thought. Her mind struggled against the velvety black words. Her vision was gone, her movement was gone, her hearing was only those words. Her smell was…she wasn’t sure what it was, but it wasn’t hers anymore. The only thing she had left was her mind. She couldn’t give it up, could she?


The sound rang clearly into her brain, her mind slowly refocusing around the melodic chime. She was supposed to be fighting something, wasn’t she? It was soo hard to remember. She tried to blink away the darkness, but it was stuck to her. What was she thinking about?

“Now, be a good girl and REPEAT,” The voice was more insistent now, but still as silky smooth. It was silly to disobey it. She wanted to follow the voice’s words. She wanted to focus on them. The chime always made her focus.

“My mind belongs to Mistress,” She whispered out, barely audible. Somewhere in the back of her mind, she was struggling. She was fighting against those silky words slowly choking out her mind, fighting to keep the last thing that was hers. But, the currently dominant part of her mind was eager to continue.

The Bet [FF][bound][teasing][inc]

So, I’m a little bit nervous on this one. I’ll admit, I love writing things, but I’ve never posted anything before, let alone here. This one is short and sweet, but I honestly just wanted to test the waters. Please be honest with me, especially let me know if you want more stories.


***“It will be fun, she said.”***

Crystal lightly tugged at the handcuffs currently locking her hands to the metal railings of her bed. She didn’t expect them to come loose, but she still had to try. Finding them held fast, her head shifted skywards. Her eyes darted around, searching out the source of her torment. Only it was nowhere to be seen. She was left, unerringly, to struggle against her bonds. Bonds that were as much her fault as any other.

***“Just a simple little bet, she said.”***

The familiar presence inside her sprung to life again. Her buttocks clenched reflexively as the vibrations rippled up her spinal cord. Never before had the young blonde vixen ever experienced something so devilish. The tiny little beads were small enough that she could barely feel them resting inside her nearly virtuous cavity. However, they were also powerful enough to rip coherent thought out of her mind when turned on. Her legs spasmed, contorting and yet still held fast by their own set of handcuffs. Her mouth gasped in rhythm with the pulses tearing through her body.